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Chapter 3: I hope I Fit In

The drive seemed to be getting longer and longer by the minute.
I was getting very agitated because it was silent and I had nothing to do.
We went past buildings and building, and then wide open landscapes.
I was beginning to think the journey would never end.
I opened my cell phone.
I had 2 texts and a voicemail.
Just before I could read it the cab came slowly to a halt.
I looked out of the window and saw a mega huge building with an enormous gate with the words “Ocean View Academy”.
The driver opened my door and got my bags.
I collected the bags then paid him.
He got back in the cab and drove off leaving a trail of smoke behind.
I walked up to the gates and they were shut.
There was a placement in the wall and an instruction above it saying “place finger here”
Then I noticed an intercom and a series of buttons, so I pressed the button for the reception.
A lady with a Tennessee accent answered.
“Hi I’m Mercedes Martinez and I--.”
“Oh yes one second please.” The lady at the other end said.
As soon as she finished the sentence the gate opened swiftly.
I picked my bags that I put on the ground up and entered.
There were students scattered around but they were boys.
I mentally shrugged and started searching for the building.
I looked around for a bit and until a building with “Main Office” caught my eye.
I walked towards it and the automatic doors opened as I reached it.
It looked modern and classy.
The theme was cream and chocolate brown.
It had flower patterns on the walls and a few paintings and sculptures here and there.
I approached the front desk.
I rang the bell on the desk.
No answer.
Then the receptionist popped her head up and I put my hand on my heart hoping to calm it somehow.
“Sorry for the scare.” Said a lady with natural strawberry blonde hair, with black rimmed glasses and a thick Tennessee accent.
“It’s alright I’m Merc—“
“Mercedes Carter Martinez, It’s a pleasure to have you here.” She beamed and extended out her hand.
I shook it with a confused look on my face.
She handed me the key to my room and a yellow slip of paper which had my name and dorm room etc and informed me that I was required to share with some other people.
I told her it was fine.
“Do you mind placing your all your fingers on both hands on the sensor one at a time?”
I did as I was told and scanned all my fingers.
“Do you want me to walk you to your room?” She asked.
“Yeah just so I don’t get lost.”
She got up and called another person to watch the desk while she showed me my room.
I followed as she led me towards a white elevator.
When we got in she pressed the button for the 5th floor, which was right at the top.
I noticed that the floor of the elevator was really bouncy.
The receptionist turned to me.
“Are you nervous?”
“No not really, just the fact that I’m away from my parents.” I answered. “I hope I fit in.”
She laughed lightly.
“Eventually you’ll get used to it. By the way I’m Emma, Emma Ritchie.” She announced.
Emma wasn’t like any grown up I’d ever met.
For a start she wasn’t old ad strict.
Probably 20- 25 tops.
She was carefree and spontaneous which reminded me of Mae.
We had a lot in common as in music, books, TV shows etc.
When we reached the 5th floor the elevator dinged and we got out.
She led me down a huge corridor to a room right at the bottom on the right.
“There you are. If you need any help you know where I am.”
“Ok, thanks again.” I said.
“No worries.” She smiled.
I waved at her retreating figure which headed towards the elevator.
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