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Chapter 4: Ocean View is WHAT?!?!?!?!

I decided to knock in case my roommates were in there getting dressed or something.

So I knocked.

A boy about a year older than me with blonde disheveled hair and brown eyes opened the door.

Wait a minute BOY?

I should’ve at least got assigned with another girl.

Isn’t there a rule against this?

“Tyler why is there an extremely attractive girl standing outside our door? The one with blonde hair asked looking me over.

What? There was another one?

I scooted past him and walked into the room with my bags.

“Why do I have boys in my room?” I asked looking around; by the way the room was huge!

“No. This is our room.” The blonde said, gesturing to a boy on his bunk.

“No it’s mine.” I showed him the yellow slip of paper.

He looked at it confused.

“Is this some kind of joke!?” I yelled.

“Didn’t you know that Ocean View Academy is an all BOYS school?” He asked."

“WHAT!?” I yelled, so loud the boy who was listening to his mp3 player on his bed took them out and did a double take, almost falling off the top bunk bed when he saw me.

I found a school phone on the wall with a code for every room next to it and dialed the reception/office.

I spoke to a different lady and she said it was true that Ocean View was a boys only school and my parents had signed me up for Ocean View but there were no extra rooms so I had to stay where I was.

I put the receiver down and turned round at the 2 boys.

“Well I’m stuck here!” I sighed.

“That’s the spirit; my name is Jesse, pleasure to meet you.” The blonde boy casually strode over, taking my hand and kissing the top of it.

“Erm…ok.” I muttered, raising an eyebrow.

“And I’m Tyler.” Said the guy who was listening to his mp3 a moment ago. He had shaggy brown hair and emerald eyes. He jumped off his bed and appeared in front of me.

“You’re not gonna kiss my hand are you?” I asked wondering if it were some sort of weird tradition.

He laughed and shook his head.

“No I’m not.”

Something about him was somewhat intimidating, but I shook it off.

“So which bed is mine?” I asked wondering because there were was a metal bunk bed, a single bed, and a futuristic pod bed with purple lights on the inside, although the top bunk was taken by Tyler.

“Take your pick.” Said Tyler.

“I pick the pod bed.”

“Ok I’m gonna go with the single bed.” Jesse picked. “

“What about wardrobes?” I asked.

“That’s Tyler’s.” He said pointing to a wardrobe with the letter ‘T’ on it in permanent marker.

And I assumed his was the one with ‘Jesse’ written on it and I was right.

I walked to a wardrobe with nothing on and I got out my stencil and pens and wrote “Merc” on it and filled it in, in greens, dark greens and blacks.

I got carried away and did a whole pattern which didn’t look that bad.

It probably looked more like a tattoo design.

I pulled my small suitcase onto the floor beside my bed and opened it.

I brought out my laptop and books which I didn’t need but my parents insisted I brought.

It was an advanced science and math’s books and crap like that.

I put the books on the table on one side of the bed and my laptop on the other.

I crawled into my bed (which was surprisingly roomy) and flipped open my phone.

I listened to the voicemail first.

It was just my mum asking if everything was alright and if made it safely.

Oh everything was not alright.

What the hell was she thinking?

I opened the first text message which was from Mae.

Mercedes OMG I miss u already. It’s soooooooo boring. Call or email when u get there.

The second text was also from Mae telling me to e-mail and how she might possibly die of boredom.

I decided to reply.

Hey Mae I really miss u. You’ll never believe it but I’m in an all BOYS boarding school. There’s no way out of it. I’m gonna call my parents later n give ‘em a piece of my mind.

I looked up from my phone to see Tyler and Jesse staring at me.

“What? Do I have something on my face?” I asked touching my face.

“No, just that we’re used to guy roommates and you’re a girl.” Said Tyler

“No I’m just a really good impersonator.” I replied sarcastically.

“Well you’re a very hot one.” Said Jesse winking at me, and earning a slap upside the head from Tyler.

Jesse rubbed the back of his head, glaring at Tyler.

“Thank you.” I said to Tyler.

I heard commotion outside my window, so I looked and there were a whole load of guys walking out of school premises.

“Tyler, Jesse what’s going on outside?” I asked.

Tyler got up and looked out of the window and slapped his forehead with his palm.

“Shit I forgot.” He whispered. “Jesse the buses are gonna leave come on.”

When Jesse didn’t move Tyler threw a baseball with accurate precision at the back of his head.

“Second time today.” Jesse glared.

“Hello will someone please tell me what’s going on?” I asked.

“You wanna go to town?” Jesse asked.

“Yeah I need some things.”

I forgot to pack my toothbrush, toothpaste, and other personal items. How organized am I?

I grabbed my trainers and slipped them on and grabbed my denim jacket and threw it on.

All three of us were running because the two buses only came at certain times and if you missed it you would have to walk 5 miles.

I felt all eyes on me the whole time.

We got to the bus stop just as the second bus stopped at the bus stop but there was a massive line in front of us. But Tyler cleared his throat and heads turned to see who it was.

Then automatically everyone in front of us moved aside letting him, Jesse and I skip to the front.

I got my ticket and sat in an available seat beside Tyler because frankly I didn’t trust Jesse enough to sit with him at the back of a bus.

“What was that about?” I asked.

Tyler turned his head towards me.

“Respect.” He said.


I pulled out my iPod and stuck the earphones in my ear and set it on shuffle.
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Here's the next bit guys. Haven't got any comments yet :( hoping to get some soon. Anyways rate, subscribe, message and comment!!!!!!!?!!