Status: :) dont be a silent reader

You're Joking Right?!

I Know What You Are

"Wow" I said

Landon was behind me. He didnt look so good

"Have you eaten?" I asked

He shook his head. I grabbed his hand and ran down into the basement

"How did you know about this?" He asked

I shrugged

"I can smell blood so I just assumed food" I said pulling him into one of the room

There were huge peices of meat everywhere. I pulled him in front of the table

"Eat" I said softly

He ate slowly and tried to give me some. I shook my head I wasnt hungry

"You have to eat if I have to" He said

I grabbed a few pieces and ate them. My throat was starting to burn and Landon was showing me his neck. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore it but my throat was burning so bad. I thought of Landon sitting down in a chair and me biting into his perfect skin

"Where did a chair come from?" Landon asked next to me

I opened my eyes and sure enough there was a chair next to Landon. He was looking at me and saw what I was thinking

"What the hell are you?" He asked looking at me

I pushed him down into the chair so fast he didn't realize what was happening. I looked him in the eyes and I knew he wasnt going to resist

"Tilt your head back" I said softly never breaking eye contact

He did as I said and gulped. I let my teeth drag on his skin and he shivered in response. I bit into him softly and suckled at the sweetness that was flowing from him. He gripped my waist tightly and pulled me closer to him. He tasted so good I pulled away and slid down to the floor

"Im dizzy" I said softly

Landon was looking at me with lust in his eyes

"That felt so good" He said breathless

I smiled and laid on the floor. Landon kept rubbing his neck as he ate

"Ok lets go upstairs" He said picking me up

He had me over his shoulder and was running back to his room. He put me down near the bathroom

"Im gonna go tell my parents you are awake" He said still rubbing his neck

I nodded and closed the bathroom door. I stripped of my clothing and got in to the shower it felt so good on my skin. I washed away everything this was a new life and should be treated in that way. I washed my hair and it felt so good. When I finished up I walked into my room and looked at all my clothes they were from my old life. I looked in my underwear drawer and found my lacey underwear

"New life" I said sliding them on

I walked back into the bathroom and caught a glimpse of myself. My body looked awesome. I still had curves but this was amazing. My boobs had gotten a bit bigger and I had gotten somewhat of an ass

"Danm I look good. I need to show someone" I said softly

What I didnt realise till looking again was that my hair had now turned blood red. I opened the door to Landon's room and he was looking dead at me.

~Landon pov

My jaw had just completly fell off my face. Adalyn looked amazing with her black lace undewear and matching bra. But her hair had now turned Blood red

"Uh" was the only word that I could speak

She smiled and stood in front of me

"I need a new wardrobe thoose clothes are from my old life. I need somthing sexy and makes everyone drool" She said

I nodded. She clapped and went over to my closet she came out with one of my shirt on. It covered her butt and she climbed into my bed

"I don't want to be alone in there" She said pulling at her hair

It was going back to the blonde. I laid on my back next to her

"It's cool" I said finally

We laid in silence

"So does this mean we have to start planning our wedding?" Adalyn asked propping her self up

I looked at her and shrugged

"Whenever you want to start" I said softly

She smiled flashing me her teeth

"How come yours go in and mine dont?" She asked

I poked her teeth

"That thing got some of his venom in your system then I mixed mine in there. So you're going to be really diffrent" I said

She nodded her head. She got under the blankets and got closer to me

"I can feel your blood rushing" She said softly

She grazed my neck with her teeth and I groaned. She kissed below my ear and kept moving up till she was near my lips

"I havent kissed you in what 5 or 6 days?" She asked

I nodded feeling her teeth scrape my lip

"Seems a lot longer" She said softly

I moved and had my lips pressed firmly to hers. She kissed back not minding her teeth were out. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me over her

"Nite Landon" She said

I put my head on her chest and took in her scent. Sleep welcomed me

~ Adalyn pov

I woke up with Landon across my chest. I smiled and rubbed his head a little

"Wake up" I said

He groaned and nuzzled into me. I giggled

"Come on we are going shopping today and everyone has to accept me or I will eat them" I said making him laughed

He rolled off of me and streched

"Go put on your sexiest dress and we shall go" He said rubbing my hand

I stood up and streched but I heard a rip

"Woah!" Landon yelled

I gave him a confused look

"You have really nice wings" He said

I looked behind myself and saw pitch black wings

"What the hell is this?" I asked screaming

Landon's room door opened and everyone flooded in. Isa was looking at me in wonder, Riley looked angry cause all the yelling, and there was a man with black hair and silver eyes. I stared at him longer

"Wow Adalyn you look so hot" Riley said

I bit my lip and I saw my hair turning that red color again. The man with the silver eyes smiled at me

"Come her hunny" He said to me

I moved my back around and my wings were gone. I walked over to him and smiled

"Think about my eyes but on yourself" He said touching my face

Landon was now behind his mother. I looked at his eyes longer and then everyone gasped

"Wow that is so awesome" Riley said

I blinked

"What am I anyway?" I asked

The man smiled

"You are a succubus mixed with a few other things. You are the first of the kind we have only heard stories of them but here you are. Succubus thrive of sexualtiy and making men suffer. You can change your self to please any man you want" He said

I looked at him in shock

"How is this so amazing im basically a whore" I said in shock

The man shook his head

"You have other things in that mix making you in control of it. But you feed off emotions when Riley said you were hot you atomatically went into lust mode and your hair turned" He said

I nodded. Landon came and stood next to me

"Im going to take her to get new clothes. Then we are coming back here" he said

I looked him in his eyes

"But I wanna see everything. I never got a chance last time we went out" I said sadly

He was staring at me for a while then just nodded

"Oh my goodness she used her power on you" Riley said smiling

Landon looked confused

"That's how the succubus get's her way in every situation. The men have no choice but to say yes" The man said again

Landon threw his hands up

"My future wife is a succubus! perfect im going to be her little bitch forever" He said fustrated

I looked down and instanly felt bad. The blonde curtain I had over my face was turning light brown now

"Landon dont yell at her jeez" Riley said

I walked out of his room and sat in my closet. This is awful