Status: :) dont be a silent reader

You're Joking Right?!


When Adalyn walked away I felt bad

"There was no reason for that Landon" My mother said

I walked into her room and didn't see her. I heard crying so I went into her closet

"Leave me alone" She said covering her face

I sat in front of her and pulled at her hands

"Adalyn come on" I said softly

She pushed me away and growled. I ignored it and looked at her

"This is all your fault! I was perfectly fine on earth with my family and friends. And then you come along and take me away. I don't want to marry you It's your fault im not human anymore and I hate you for it" She scremed

Her hair was black now and her teeth had got longer and bigger. I was in shock from her words that I didn't care about her hair

"My fault how is it mine. I didn't tell your parents to fuck and make you. I didn't tell my parents to either, I had to take you. I had no other choice i couldnt say no to you or my father. One way or another you would have been her anyway. You think I want a whiny bitch as a wife? that's all you have done since I met you is bitch and moan. You don't want to marry me fine get out of my fucking house then!" I shouted in her face

She looked up at me in shock. I felt a sharp pain in my chest and I could feel my family around us

"You don't mean any of that" She said softly

I rolled my eyes and stood up

"I mean every fucking word. You wanna go back to earth and not marry me fine I won't be chasing after you" I said angrily before leaving the room

I walked pass a mirror and broke it. I jumped out of my window before anyone could find me. I found myself walking around the outskirts with an awful pain in my chest. I sat down next to a huge rock my anger was still boiling but I closed my eyes and went into her head

"Hunny it will be fine. He dosent mean it" My mother was coddling her

Adalyn shook her head

"He does mean it. I can feel him he meant every word of it" She said softly

My father huffed and stood up

"I can't go back to earth im not even human anymore. Even a few minutes up there I would kill someone" She said

My mother was rubbing her head

"Riley find him" My father said

Riley stood up and left the room. I put myself in a bar near by

"Landon!" She yelled my name loudly

I was feeling buzzed already from all the drinks. She grabbed my arm and turned me around

"What is your problem?" She asked

I rolled my eyes and downed another drink

"You heard her she dosent want to marry me and wants me to ignore her exsitence. It's what Im doing" I said

Riley was getting angry

"You know you can't do that" She said

I took another drink

"Im doing it perfectly fine now. So run home and tell them that im done talking" I said turning toward the bar

I heard a huff and then nothing. I drank and drank till I couldnt feel anymore

"Get home prince" The bar keep said

I smiled and wobbled home. When I got in I went into the basement and ate so much my stomach would explode. I pop in Riley's room and shook her awake

"What?" she asked

I giggled and took my shoes off

"Go sleep in my bed. Adalyn dosent like being alone" I said jumbled

She got up and left the room. I closed my eyes and was pulled into Adalyn she was in my bed curled up. I pulled myself out and pop a bottle of vodka next to me. I fell asleep quickly

I woke up and chugged down the bottle of vodka. My mother was in the room giving me a look

"Don't start with me" I said

She shook her head at me and rubbed her belly

"Landon you didn't mean it go talk to her" she said softly

I growled

"Why is everyone saying I didn't mean it. I meant every fucking word of it Im not marrying her so I guess I will die and Victoria will take over" I said angrily

My mother snapped her jaws at me. I instanly shrank back

"Fine if this is how your going to act you're going to stay locked in here. Drink your fucking ass off for all I care. You can sit in here and fucking rot" She yelled

My mother is never really mad but she was beyond mad now. She got up and left the room slamming the door

"What the hell did you do to mom?" Riley asked from next to me

I shrugged and drank down some more vodka. Riley slapped the back of my head

"Stupid stop being so stubborn and go talk to her" She said

I shook my head. She got up and left me alone in the room.

~Adalyn pov

It's been two weeks and I havent spoken or seen Landon. I never left the bed only to eat but I was always thirsty. The burn got worse every day

"Adalyn can you go give this to him" Riley said

I shook my head

"Please he is drunk and out cold he wont know"She said

I stood up and she gave me a tray and showed me how to get in her room. I opened the door and she was wrong he was wide awake

"Why the hell are you here?" he asked angrily

I put the tray next to him and he grabbed my arm. The shock got us both

"Let go" I tried pulling my arm pu he just pulled me closer

His eyes were red and his teeth were out sharply

"Why are you in here?" He asked again

I shrugged. He growled and tightened his grip

"Your drunk get off of me" I said softly

He was looking at my face. I was still thristy and he caught me looking at his neck

"You havent been drinking have you?" he asked

I shook my head. He smiled and tilted his head up

"Go ahead" He said

I shook my head even though I was mentally slapping myself. He pulled me closer to his neck

"Do it" He said softly

I bit in and drank from him hungrily. When I had enough I licked the wound and pulled away from him. His eyes were closed

"Our engament party is tomorrow. You have to be sober" I said standing up

He was eating the meat now. I walked out stumbling and made my way back to my bedroom

"Wh- Why is there blood on your lip?" She asked

I licked my lips and sat down

"I eat meat but I also need blood. And I just drank from Landon" I said softly

She looked confused

"He was awake and he felt my irratation" I said looking at my fingers

She nodded and then squeaked

"Ok so I got your dress and your going to love it" She said

I smiled

I was in for some fun tommrrow