Status: :) dont be a silent reader

You're Joking Right?!

Black Haired Demon

“YOU’RE WHAT??!!” Her father yelled

She lifted her hand up and moved the ring

“Married you know wear white, crying, shoving cake in each other’s faces” She said softly

Her mother was shaking mad now and she looked like she was going to burst. I my mother was calling me

“I’m gonna check on my mother” I said pulling Adalyn’s face and kissing her

I stood up and was leaving the kitchen when her mother jumped up in my face

“Don’t bother coming back either. She is only 17 and you will not be marrying her so don’t get your hopes up” She yelled in my face

I flashed her a smiled and looked down at her

“Ha I am marrying her and there is nothing you can do about it. She is mine now and I will come back to get her later on” I said angrily

Adalyn was sitting at the table and tapping her hand

“Mother if I knew you would act like this I didn’t have to come” She said softly

Her mother looked at her and shook her head

“Your staying here and you not going anywhere with this thing” She said toward me

I left the house and popped to the hospital. My mother was looking up at me

“How is it going?” She asked

I laughed

“Her parents are furious and told me I couldn’t see her anymore. But if only they knew she is going to come back” I said

My father smiled at me and nodded his head

“Go back then and when the baby gets close to being here we will call you” My father said

I nodded and popped back to Adalyn’s house. I walked back into the kitchen and sat next to Adalyn

“Anything?” She asked

I shook my head. Her parents weren’t in the kitchen anymore

“They will be back” She said

She put her head on my shoulder and played with her hair

“I already miss being naked next to you” She said softly

I laughed and her parents came back in. Her mother was angry all over again

“Why the fucks are you in my house again? Get out” She yelled

Adalyn rolled her eyes

“Alright come on Adalyn this visit was a bad idea” I said pulling her hand

Her mother yelled

“No she is staying and you are leaving” She said angrily

Adalyn got her mother’s attention and made eye contact

“Calm down” she said softly

Her mother went down a few notches but she was still pretty angry

“You aren’t going with him Adalyn” Her mother said

I chuckled

“Get out of my house now!” her mother yelled

I stood up and titled Adalyn’s head up I kissed her roughly and spoke to her thoughts

‘ I will be in your old room’

She nodded

‘Third door to the left’ she said back

I left the kitchen and ran up to her room. Human eyes couldn’t see when I ran

‘You’re so silly my mom is super pissed now’ she thought

I went into her room and laid on the bed. Her sheets were bright green and her pillows were bright pink. Her room was neat and everything was oddly in its right place

“Shut up” She said stepping in her room and laying next to me

She put her head on my chest and huffed

“They said I’m not getting married to you and that I can’t leave” she said

I laughed

“Yes you are no one is taking you from me” I said

She giggled and looked up at me and kissed me softly. I rolled her on her back and kissed her back roughly

“I’m thirsty” she whined

I put my neck to her nose and her tongue slid against the skin. She bit in and drank slow I was groaning from how good it felt. She pulled back and licked her lips

“You’re so good” she whispered

I laid my head in the crook of her neck and her breath hitched when I nipped at her shoulder

“My parents are coming” She said softly

I moved next to her and stayed there. She gave me a look

“They can’t see me relax” I said

Her parents came in and she sat up

“You are not leaving again” her father said

She smiled and licked her lips

“I’m marrying Landon and yes I will leave again. You guys can’t make me stay” She said calmly

Her mother growled and pointed her finger

“You will not see that boy again and we are your parents what we say goes” she said angrily

Adalyn stood up and pushed pass her parents. I followed and she went into another room. There was a girl with black hair across the bed

“Nik get your ass up” Adalyn said pulling the girl’s leg

She flipped over and flipped Adalyn off. But then sat up fast to look at her

“Ad is that you?” The black haired girl asked

Adalyn nodded. The girl jumped to her feet and hugged Adalyn tightly

“Stupid where have you been?” The black haired girl asked

Adalyn smiled and shook her head

“You wouldn’t believe me” she said softly

The girl looked not much younger than Adalyn and you could tell they were sisters

“Are those contacts?” the black haired girl asked

Adalyn swatted the girls hands and shook her head

“They are my eye balls thank you” Adalyn said

The girl looked shocked and looked at Adalyn’s hair. It looked brighter and fuller

“I’m getting married” Adalyn said showing the girl her ring

The girl looked at her like she was crazy

“Your only 17” The girl said

Adalyn rolled her eyes and looked in my direction and winked

“Age is nothing but a number Nik. Plus this is different we have this strange pull to each other and I literally can’t leave him” Adalyn said

The girl rolled her eyes

“Bull it’s lust” she said bluntly

I snapped my jaws and Adalyn pushed the girl over

“Shut the hell up it’s not like that at all. Mom and Dad don’t like him” Adalyn said

The girl looked at Adalyn

“How do you know he isn’t just going to drop you and find some other girl then feed her the same bullshit he is feeding you” The girl said

‘Your family is harsh’ I thought sitting on the floor in front of Adalyn

She smiled and looked over at her sister

“I should have never came back here. You, mom and, dad have no idea how we feel about how we feel about each other. Fuck you and fuck this house” Adalyn said angrily

I saw her roots turning black but I knew she was trying to control it. Her sister looked taken aback

“I’m just being honest with you. You just jumping into getting married and how do you know he really only wants you?” The girl asked

Adalyn got up and left the room

“I’m done trying to please all of you bitches in the house the only accepting person is Jax and he is 6” Adalyn yelled

Her hair was turning black and her teeth were growing. I froze everyone in the house and grabbed her

“Calm down” I said softly

She blinked and she began crying. Her parents couldn’t find out she wasn’t human