Status: :) dont be a silent reader

You're Joking Right?!

Little Kids In Love

I pulled her into her room and say her down on the bed. She was was sobbing in my chest

"It dosent even matter to them that im here all they are worried about is me not marrying you" she said looking up at me

Her hair was light brown and her eyes were red. I rubbed her head and wiped her face

"Who cares what they think of me? Your marrying me no matter what so they have no say in the matter" I said looking in her eyes

She pulled me down to her and kissed me roughly. She was over me and her hair was turning bright red

"Not here Adalyn" I said softly

She pushed out her bottom lip and laid on my chest

"Put things back to normal" She said softly

I waved my hands and we heard stomping coming toward her room. Her parents saw me and I heard the blood rushing toward their faces but Adalyn spoke first

"Can you guys just stop. They only person happy to see me come here was Jax but all you two and Nik saw was me getting married. I should have never come but Landon told me it would be ok and you guys all just proved him wrong" She said softly

I sat up with her on my lap and she was facing me. I wiped a stray tear and rubbed her cheek

"Dosen't matter how old she is I will love her no matter what and I know she loves me. Nothing is going to stop our wedding and if it's such a problem with you guys then don't come" I said still looking at Adalyn

She turned to look at her parents and they were crying. Adalyn hugged my head then moved off of me to hug her mother. Both her parents enveloped her in a group hug

'Humans' I thought

Adalyn giggled and pulled away from her parents. She came to sit next to me and held my hand

'If you want you human family to come to our wedding we have to have two diffrent weddings' I thought

She looked confused

'Demon weddings are completly diffrent. So if they want to come we will have two' I said

She smiled and nodded. We looked back at where her parents were and Niki and Jax had joined

"Hi Landon" Jax said coming over to us and sitting on Adalyn's lap

I smiled and waved at him. Adalyn hugged him tightly and kissed his forehead. I heard Niki's thoughts and they were all about how hot I was. I stood up and put my hand out in front of her

"Hello Im Landon" I said softly

She gave me her hand and shook it. She blushed deep red

"Nikole. What kind of accent is that?" She asked

I smiled and let go of her hand

"You are the first person to aske me that. It's russian" I said sitting back next to Adalyn

Niki smiled

"I tottaly forgot you even had an accent" Adalyn said

I put a hand to my heart

"Im your future husband and you have never asked" I said with fake shock

She laughed

"No cause usually you sound like an american and you only have that accent when you are mad or somthing" Adalyn said

I smiled and kissed her cheek. Her parents were thinking too fast for me to catch on but they were not so angry anymore and they felt gulty for not being happy that Adalyn was back

"Hunny" Her father spoke

Adalyn looked at them

"We accept you are getting married your just so young and we don't want you to regret it" He said softly

She smiled and looked at me

"I don't think I could regret him" She said

Everyone awed and I shook my head and smiled. We all sat and chatted for a while and I got images or a baby in my head

"Woah uh Adalyn Victoria is here" I said excited

Adalyn looked up at me and smiled widely. I poped an ear piece in and called my father

"Son she is beautiful come see her" my father said into the phone

I laughed and nodded

"Im leaving now" I said and hung up

Adalyn stood up next to me

"We will be back guys Landon's mom just had a baby and we have been wating to see her" Adalyn said excitdly

They all nodded

"Take me" Jax said

Adalyn looked at me and I nodded. She picked up Jax and we walked out of the house. We walked and I popped us home in the hospital

"Woah this looks so cool" Jax said looking around

We walked to my mother's room and everyone's heads popped up at the sound of a heartbeat. My mother smiled at me and waved me over

"Come meet your sister" She said

I walked over and look down in my mothers arms. I saw a tiny pale face and black hair. Her eyes shocked me the most they were silver like my dads

"Woah! she was born with those?" I asked

My mother nodded and handed the baby to me. I held her like she was breakable

"Hi Victoria" I said softly rubbing her hand

She looked around my face and smiled. I felt Adalyn behind me

"She is beautiful Isa" Adalyn said

I rubbed Victoria's head and she squeeed my finger. I sat down and Jax came over and sat next to me

"She is pretty Landon" He said touching her hand

He jumped a little then smiled at me. My father was looking in shock and looked at me

"She found her mate already and she is only a few hours old" Riley said softly

Victoria was looking at Jax for a really long time and he was looking back at her. I have never seen this happen before

"Adalyn I can't wait for Victoria can get bigger then we can play" Jax said softly

Victoria cooed and smiled at him

"Jezus christ they are in love" My mother said