Status: :) dont be a silent reader

You're Joking Right?!


His hands were getting hotter and his grip on my wrist was tightening

"Let go!" I screamed

I tried to pull away but he was way stronger than me. I felt tears briming my eyes

"Not so tough now" he said softly

He looked extremly scary right now. So I brought my knee up and hit him in the groin and he fell to the floor

"Don't ever touch me ever again!" I screamed above him

A girl burst in the room growling

"Will you two shut the fuck up!" she yelled

She had long black hair her eyes were a bright piercing yellow

"Landon?" she said looking at him on the floor

He got up slowly and grabbed my arm

"Im so fucking close to killing you right now" he growled in my face

I felt a pain in my chest when he said that but I ignored him and looked at the girl

"Who are you?" she asked

I blinked

"Adalyn" I said softly

She nodded

"And who might you be?" I asked

She bowed

"I am Riley. Landon's beautiful older sister" she said

I nodded and looked back to Landon

"Let go of me now" I said pulling my arm free

Riley laughed

"Well i'm gonna go. You two play nice now" she said before leaving

Landon walked over to his bed and fell back on the bed cupping his groin

"Just kill our future children why don't you" He said softly

I rolled my eyes

"Im never having sex with you and im not sleeping in the same room with you" I said in disgust

He chuckled lightly

"You know you want me. And that door over there is your room we share a bathroom" he said smiling

I ignored him and began walking to the room. Before I could go Landon grabbed me

"This is for hitting me" he said softly

He bit hard into my shoulder

"Get the fuck off of me" I shouted trying to get away

He held me tight to his chest I was sobbing from the pain. He still had not let go and I was thrashing around in his arm

"You bastard" I said

He pulled back and moved my hair

"Don't be such a baby" He said

I slid down to the floor and cried. He picked me up again but he licked where he had just bit me. He took me to the other room and put me on a bed

"I don't care what the oracale said you hit me again I wont be so forgiving" he growled in my face

I looked away from his eyes and looked at the wall. The pain in my chest was sharper this time

"Some wife im getting" he said before leaving my room

I fell back and cried till I went to sleep. I didn't deserve this
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