
Nameless: Chapter 1

He pulled his sword out of the last of three vampires, who fell with a death rattle hissing through its lips. Two children cowered near-by, covered in mud and gore. The hunter wiped the sword clean on some bloodless grass, and smiled at them, assuring them of safety. He built a fire nearby, to burn the corpses.
“Come on, you two. Time to get you home.” He told the children in front of him, when the fire had died down and gone out. They nodded, and scrambled to follow him.
After a couple of hours of slow-paced walking, he turned off the road. Puzzled, but afraid of being left behind, the brother and sister trailed after their savior. He pulled out rations and gave them to the siblings, who gratefully accepted them. They finished their food in record time and fell asleep almost immediately, much to the amusement of the one who had saved them. He ate his own dinner more sedately, and took up sentry duty, guarding the rough campsite against any attack.
It was late the next morning when he woke the elder of the two children, the boy. He handed him some left-over’s for breakfast.
“You should eat; we have another couple of hours of walking to do.” He told the kid, burying the remains of the fire. When he was finished, and the boy was done eating, he handed the light pack to the girl’s brother, and picked her up, carrying the sleeping girl on his back, piggy-back style.
After two hours, the girl woke up, and demanded to be let down. He called for a break, and gave both kids a small lunch, which they finished quickly. They stood up, and he took back his pack, letting the children run a little way ahead, playing around. No harm in allowing them that. It meant that they’d bounce back from the fright that they’d had earlier. They were close to the village, so it didn’t matter much if they were father ahead than he was. They went over the crest of the hill, to where their small town lay.
He sped up a little, just a bit worried; he had seen enough villages laid to ruin in the time it took to get back to them. The village was fine, in fact, a small crowd had gathered. He was just thinking about leaving before they could catch him, when the two children, with their friends, ran up to him and hurried him on, tugging on his shirt sleeves. ‘Crap…oh, well.” He thought, caught for better or for worse. He ignored the feeling of eyes burning a hole through his scull. There was plenty of time for that later; for now, he would concentrate on avoiding the crowd of people.
After being poked and talked to and fussed over until he couldn’t bear it anymore, he left, leaving carefully, avoiding being seen by anymore villagers. He didn’t mind doing the work, but he wasn’t a big fan of crowds. He got into the forest without any mishap. He still had a couple of hours of daylight left, why waste it? He set a moderate pace, and walked steadily until after the sun set
By the time he settled down to make camp, he was tired of being followed by someone who didn’t know what they were doing. He lit the small fire, and cooked his food.
“You’re welcome to join me, I have plenty for two.” The foliage shook slightly, as though someone had stiffened at being caught. “Or don’t. Suit yourself.” He muttered, as he banked the fire and caught up on some sleep. With one eye open, just in case.
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2nd one...i've got a ton more.