
Nameless: Chapter 19

It wasn’t long before you came round, though your position had changed drastically in that amount of time. You were now lying on the floor, silver handcuffs locking your hands behind your back, burning your wrists even as they cut into your skin. You blinked a few times, eyes getting used to the light. You were in the training room. It was large, with windows at the top of the ceiling. The shades had been drawn over them, and torches lined the walls, instead. You twisted around to see the rest of the room. Behind you, your parents started to come round as well. Korin was leaned against the wall not far away, without any bonds, still unconscious. Apparently Korin’s theory about your family having ‘half a chance’ to fight Seth was out of the question. Seth sat calmly in a chair, apparently watching with amusement. Your eyes narrowed, glaring at the grinning bastard. His smirk grew wider, showing the barest hint of fang.
“Do you actually have a reason for doing this?” Korin finally asked. You jumped. You had though he was unconscious. Apparently not, as he was standing now, hands loosely at his sides. Seth smiled.
“Do I need one?” He asked nonchalantly. Korin shrugged.
“Not at all.” He growled. His eyes promised things of a painful sort. If Korin had anything to do with it, there would be no last will and testament for this psychopath. Seth seemed to have picked up on this as well. His smiled, and stood up, turning toward Korin. He was rather enjoying himself, his body was relaxed and at ease. Korin, on the other hand, was far from at ease, though he kept his body relaxed to increase his agility. He was tap dancing on quicksand and he knew it.
You struggled to twist out of the handcuffs, which only made them bite deeper. All you really accomplished was moving further away from the wall, a far more dangerous position. Above you, Seth was stalking closer and closer to Korin, like a cat. Seth moved with a burst of speed, forward, aiming for Korin’s throat. Korin ducked and hit him lower, his elbow colliding painfully with Seth’s ribs. Seth knocked him away, to the right. Korin tumbled and rolled, coming back up. Seth was facing him again, a new glint to his eye. He smirked, and feigned to the left with a wild hook that would have killed an elephant, driving Korin right, trying to avoid the powerful attacks. Seth dropped, and sent a low kick at Korin’s ankles. Korin jumped, a look of shock appeared on his face before a strike hit him in the chest, throwing him into the wall. He managed to stumble up, coughing, before Seth pinned him to the wall with a hand. Korin’s teeth gritted as oxygen was cut off. Seth smirked again.
“Well, now what? You’ve already killed my darling little brother,” your parents gasped, they had helped the man who killed their son?! “Is my sister your next target, then? I should think you can do that on your own. Dear Esiladae was a bit of a challenge, even with that spell, wasn’t he?” He smirked.
“You cursed your own brother?!” Korin snarled as best he could, despite the hand crushing his throat. You and your parents were really quite confused by now. Who had done what to whom? Seth snorted.
“Of course. I couldn’t have that little brat around to try and stop me, could I?” He asked rhetorically, tightening his grip. Korin’s teeth clenched harder against blacking out. He concentrated on not losing consciousness. Seth chuckled sadistically as his eyes started to glaze over a bit.
“Now, am I right in thinking you’ve never been bitten?” He laughed again. “You’d have killed yourself like those other pathetic ‘hunters’, so I must be.” He sank his canine teeth deep into Korin’s jugular vein, tasting the sweet blood of a Virdin mercenary. Korin barely seemed to register the pain, head already lolling with oxygen-deficiency.
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I was thinking the one after this. My apologies