Love Is Not Like Anything, Especially a Knife

Chapter 1

Gerard's POV.

I woke up. Shit its morning already. I looked at the clock... 8:24, SHIT I’m gonna be late, not that that’s not a regular thing. I sighed and jumped out of bed, got dressed and went down stairs, to where I met with my mother.

“Gerard... how many times have I told you, GET TO SCHOOL!” she said.
I grabbed my keys and ran outside. I started the engine when I noticed a figure waving at me thru my window... oh right, Mikey.
I laughed silently to myself as Mikey ran out of the house coat in hand.
“Yo, Mikes” I said. He glared at me and we drove off.

We arrived at school a few minutes later. Mikey was saying something I really wasn’t interested in when I saw this kid.
He had short-ish black and red hair in a fauxhawk, with a Morrissey shirt and black ripped skinny jeans, and a lip ring. Looks nice enough.
“Uh... hey mikes... do you know if we have any... you” I said.
“Actually I think we do..” Mikey said. Following my eye sight.
“Right.. Well we’ll find out soon enough..” I said, as we headed for our class.. English dammit.


I was trying to draw wolverine in one of my many notepads. Ms. Newfalt was babbling on about something, when everything went silent. I heard a door close, I instantly looked up to find Ms. Newfalt talking to that kid I saw earlier.
He looked even more beautiful in person, if that’s possible.
“Class, this is Frank Iero. He’s new here. Please treat him with respect. Frank you may go sit over there by Gerard please” She said. And pointed in my direction. He started muttering something to himself as he was walking towards me, Weird.
“Uhm.. Hi, I’m Gerard.” I said as he sat down beside me.
“Hey I’m Frank. Nice to meet you” He said. God he had such a smooth voice. I wonder how it would sound screaming my na- NO! DON’T THINK THAT GERARD. YOUR IN CLASS!
“I like your shirt..” I said after a moment of silence.
“Thanks, my mom got it for me I-“
“Gerard stop talking or you’ll get a detention!”
Neither of us talked after that.

The bell rang for lunch, Yay! Saved by the bell!
“Uh, Hey Frank.. Wanna come catch some lunch?” I said, Wow that was.. nerdy.
“Yeah sure!” He said with a smile. He has a beautiful smile. Oh my.
We walked out and headed for room B, Frank grabbed his stuff and we walked outside.
We arrived and sat down on the grass with 3 other people.
I looked up and they were all starring at me.
“oh right.. uh.. everyone thing is frank..hes new here. Don’t give him shit kay?” I said with a laugh.
“Frank, this is.. Mikey my brother, Ray, And Bob.” I said pointing to all of them.
“Uh.. Hi” he squeaked. How cute.
“Hey Frank” Mike said, giving me a look at the same time.

Frank sat opposite me in the ‘circle’ as we call it.
Ray was talking to Bob about something when I looked at Frank and smiled.
Suddenly his eyes grew wide and he flinched.
“Frank what’s wr- AHHH MOTHER FUCKER!!” I screamed as Bert jumped on me from behind.
He rolled off me and sat beside me and he started to unpack his shit.
“Hey mikes you got any- WOAH WHO IS THIS?!” He said as he noticed Frank.
“Bert this is Frank..He’s uh.. new here” I said, slightly getting annoyed.
“AWW” he squealed as he hopped over and gave Frank a kiss on the cheek. Uhh.. okay
“Sorry Frank, Bert’s..wierd..” I said and laughed slightly.
“Uhh.. alright” he said looking slightly awkward.