Love Is Not Like Anything, Especially a Knife

Chapter 13

It was getting dark out, I was just about to get out of the car when I felt my cell phone buzz.
I took it out of my pocket and looked at it, I had received a text from Mikey.

“gee, come over right now. Its important. I’m at rays. Xox Mikey” it read.

“Gerard, come on!” Frank yelled from the door step.

I sighed and walked over to the door, and unlocked it.

“Frank, mikey just texted me, he wants me to come over. He says its important..” I said, looking gloatingly at the ground under me. I was worried about my baby brother..

He lifted my chin up with his finger. “It’s okay. I’ll be here. You go.” He said smiling warmly. God he makes my heart melt.

“okay..” I said, smiling “but if Bert tries to-“

“Go!” he giggled. I took his hang in mine and gave it a small kiss. I could almost hear him smiling as I walked away.

-25 minutes later-

I knocked on rays door, a few seconds later I hear foot steps and the door opened, revealing ray.

“Hey..” he whispered. I walked inside and noticed mikey sitting on one of the couched in the lounge.

I walked over and sat next to him, placing my hang gently on his right knee.

“what’s wrong mikey” I said. He turned his face to mine.

“Mom just called. Grandma is dead Gee” he whispered before bursting into a pool of tears. My mouth just hung open. I couldn’t speak. I don’t think I really needed to. Mikey felt it. I felt it. Mikey gave me an embracing hug. But that couldn’t bring grandma back. Nothing can.

“What do I do now..” I whispered, feeling those cool tears gently cascade down my face once again.

“Gerard, no. you know that grandma had a lot of faith in you. She would has wanted you to move on, have a family.. Gerard, I’m not asking you to forget, I’m asking you to remember. Remember everything Remember her. You can’t forget gee. We’ll get thou. We always do. .” He gently whispered into my ear. Mikey always does that. When I fell off my bike for the first time, he was there, whispering reassuring things into my ear. Always comforting me, Giving me courage to move on.

“You know she loves you gee. She’s smiling down at you right now, I can feel it. Can you?” he asked. I nodded into his shoulder. He noticed I hadn’t stopped crying yet. He simply hugged me tighter.

“can I stay here tonight?” I asked. Mikey glanced over at ray, he nodded, giving me a reassuring smile. I noticed ray was crying too.

“sure” mikey whispered into my ear.

We both slept on the couch that night, silently sobbing ourselves to sleep.