Love Is Not Like Anything, Especially a Knife

Chapter 2

-The next morning-

Gerard’s POV

Beep…Beep beep boop beep..
What the hell?
I sighed and picked up my cellular from my nightstand. Oh joy, I got a text message from Bert.
“Yo G party @ Quinn’s 2nite” Oh man, last party Quinn hosted somebody broke into his neighbors house and got arrested. Bert is no different, when he partys.. HE PARTYS. God I hope this goes well.


Still Gerard’s POV

Frank walked into class; he walked over and sat down next to me. “Sorry I’m late Mr. Keen.” He said, wow he looked pale. “Uh.. Frank-“ he turned to look at me and I almost died. “OH MY GOD FRANKLES YOU HAVE A BANANA IN YOUR HAIR!!” I screamed laughed uncontrollably. “I WHAT!?!” he screamed in return. Oops. “GERARD! That’s one detention for you, one for you too frank.” Mr. Keen said. This is going to be a long day.

Detention was almost over. Thank god. I glanced over at frank; he seemed to be writing something in his note pad. I wonder what. I stopped trying to sneak a look; instead I decided I was going to ask him. “Hey..Frankles..” I whispered so Mr. Keen wouldn’t hear.
“What Gerard..” he said as horror struck his face, I think he caught me looking. “What are you..Uh..Drawing?..” I asked as casually as I could. “Nothing.. Important..” he said.

“Boys, no talking” Mr. Keen said. What an old coot. Haha coot. The bell rang and Frank started walking away. “Uh.. Frank! Can I talked to you?” I said trying to catch up with him. “Yeah sure, what about?” he said looking quite nervous. “I.. uh.. I-I was wondering if you.. Wanted to come to a party.. With..Me tonight?” I stuttered. “Yeah I’d be glad to Gee” he said.. Wait.. Gee? HE IS CALLING ME GEE? OHMYGOD TEENIE MOMENT! Control yourself Gerard. “Uhm.. Alright see you later” I said and rushed to the Men’s toilets.

I arrived and checked the stalls. Good no one is in here. I walked to the farthest stall; I walked in and locked it. I screamed at the top of my lungs in pure excitement. I stopped and heard scrambling.. Uh oh. “Gee? Its Mikey.. Are you alright?” Mikey said, he sounded scared. “Uh yeah Mikes, I-I.. I’m great.” I said, trying to contain my joy. “A-are you sure? I heard you screaming..” He said..Shit “Y-yeah..” I said as I was walking out of the stall. “If I tell you.. You can’t tell anyone alright?” I said, starring straight at him. “Yeah gee, I won’t tell” he said. “Okay.. I asked Frankie to a party tonight.. He said yes..” I said. “Oh really? Awesome.. You mean Quinn’s party?” he said. “Yeah.. Why?” I said. “Oh.. Cause IM GOING TOO!” he said. I didn’t know he was going.. I hope he doesn’t ruin it. “You gotta text?” I said. “Yeah.. Jeph texted me earlier.” He said. “oh.” I said “well I gotta go Gee. See you later” he said and walked out.