Love Is Not Like Anything, Especially a Knife

Chapter 5

Gerard’s POV
The next morning.

I’ve been here way too long. No news. Is something wrong? Is he okay? Alive?
Questions flooded my mind as I sat yet again on an insanely hard plastic chair.

“Gerard, you haven’t said anything all morning. Talk to me. I feel totally responsible for all of this.” Frank said as he sat down next to me.

“Frank, I can’t. It’s not your fault. You can’t blame yourself. It was a drunk driver that hit Bert. Its nobodies fault… But that still doesn’t mean I don’t feel bad.” I said. Tears welding their way to the surface.

“Gerard way?” My head snapped up to find a young nurse standing there with a worried expression.

“Uh, yes I’m Gerard.” I said.

“Mr. McCracken is awake now.” She said. I felt a wave of relief hit me. “He would like to see you.”

“Uhm, y-yeah okay.” I said and forced a smile upon my lips.

“Come this way sir.” She said politely. I nodded and got up.

I followed her down the corridor for what felt like hours. But indeed were mere minutes.
“Here we are.” She said.

“T-thank you.” I said.

I walked in; Bert looked like he was in deep thought.

“Hey.. How are you feeling?” I said. I felt quite Uncomfortable. I went to sit on a chair by his bedside.

“Alright. Sore.” He said and shifted slightly. I could tell he was uncomfortable also.

There was a moment of silence. “Bert I’m Sor-“

“Don’t Gerard. I should be apologizing to you. I shouldn’t have freaked out like I did. I had no right. I knew you liked Frank.. I-I guess I just got kinda.. Well.. Jealous.” He said. I quickly looked down to hide my now forming tears.

“I-I’m sorry” he said quietly; so quietly I could almost not hear him. I looked up to see him crying too.

“It’s okay Bert. Let’s just focus on getting you better Kay?” I said with a smile.

“Kay.” He said. I got up and hugged him.

“Go find your lover boy!” he said as he was pulling away.

I laughed and walked out. I trudged back to the waiting room.

“oh my god! Gerard, is Bert okay? Is he ALIVE? Is he-“ he started to say but I silenced him by pressing my lips to his.

“Oh.. so.. I guess that’s a yes?!” he said.

“YES!” I said and he started jumping up and down.

I kissed him again.