Love Is Not Like Anything, Especially a Knife

Chapter 6

Two days later.
Gerard’s POV

There’s a big party tonight. I don’t really know why. People tell people, who tell more people.
I was sitting on the bus; Thinking of how I should tell Frank. Frank and I Have gotten very close over the last few days. I would pick him up, and we would both go see Bert at the hospital. Bert is healing fairly well.

I was walking aimlessly over school grounds. I notice a very familiar figure sitting under a lone tree.

I walked over. “Hey Frankie” I said, his head jolted up at his name.

“Gerard, can I ask you something..?” he looked very uncertain.

“Yeah sure, anything” I said.

“Well.. I was kinda wondering… will-you-be-my-boyfriend?” Wow he said that fast.

“YES!! .. I mean, uh, yeah sure” I said and blushed.

“Oh thank god, I thought you would have said no, then-“He started to say but I stopped him with a passionate kiss.

We broke apart, for something much needed…air.
“Mmm, that was nice Frankie…” I said.

“Yep” he said.

“Oh Uhm.. Frank, you wanna come to a party with me tonight? Bob is having a Welcome-home party or something. That’s what I heard..” I said. He started to nod vigorously.


“Okay. I gotta get to class, I’ll see you later?” I said as I started getting up.
“Yeah sure” he said.

I walked away.

-The party.-
Frank’s POV

I am very much drunk. More on skittles then booze, by the way. Haha, way.
I was sitting on the couch in Bob’s house when a skanky girl came up to me.
“Hey sexy!” she said. Oh wow, surprise, surprise she’s drunk.

“Uhm, hi.” I said. I edged away from her. To think she would take a hint. Guess not.

“Howre you?” she slurred.

“Err.. Good” I said.

“I bet I could make you feel better..” she said in a seductive voice. She started leaning in; she kissed me. I felt disgust rush thou me.

I pulled away.

Suddenly I heard loud running.
I turned around, Gerard was running across the house, aiming for.. ME? “AHH NO!” I screamed.

“HAHA GOTCHA NOW FUCKER!” he said and started kissing me. After a few moments I pulled away. I looked at the girl, she’s still sitting there?

“I-I.. Uhm.. I didn’t.. Know.. OHGOD!” she said and started running away.
Gerard and I burst into hysterics.
“Was she giving you a hard time babe?” he asked sweetly.

“YEAH” I giggled.

“Hey babe, wanna get out of here? It’s kinda boring.” I said.

“yeah sure.” He said.

We walked out hand in hand back to my place.