Status: There may be more to come!

Open Road

Leaving it All Behind

Adriana walked slowing towards her car, carrying two larges boxes and her suit case.
This is it, she thought, as she crammed the final two boxes into the back seat with the others, it’s finally over.

Adriana was 21 years old and determined to make a name for herself when she met Blake. It was a whirlwind romance that left her gasping for air, but screaming with pleasure. She got attached quickly, and expected too much.

In just three short years, her relationship had fizzled, sparked, fizzled, and finally, faded to nothing but a small lifeless ember.

She didn’t want to wait for Blake to get home to break the news to him; she had worked quickly and diligently since 7:00 am when he left for work up until now, an hour before he usually gets home at 5:30. She wasn’t vanishing completely, but she was leaving with minute traces behind her. Everything she had owned was contained in those twenty some boxes, and all that remained was a note, written with careful, kind words, and a necklace- the one Blake had given to her when he promised her they’d “get married soon,” and “be together forever.”

It wasn’t that it hadn’t worked out, and it wasn‘t another man; it was that she was bored with where her life had ended up. She loved her coworkers, but her job at the restaurant had become so mundane; she loved Blake, but she felt like she was settling, like there was something out there just waiting to be caught, and she was destined to capture it.
She took one last look at the apartment behind her, and reminisced on all the memories she formed there that she would never forget.

At one time, she loved when Blake would blare Phil Collins and make his famous lasagna, but that was in the early stages of their relationship- the times where she would come over on Fridays in the early AM hours, and leave late Sunday nights. She used to rearrange all this cooking utensils into different drawers and watch him anxiously searching for his spatula or cheese grater.

He was so concerned with impressing her back then, she used to sigh and tell him “it’s alright because I don’t love you for how impressive you are…”
And then he began to change, not in a negative way, but in a way that made living with him unhappy. He became too particular about things he used to shrug off, he yelled about messes that he often used to make himself, he assumed that his relationship was so rock solid it could withstand anything- and he was right, up until now.

Adriana got into her car and put the key into the ignition. The car flared to life and without looking back, she drove off.

She wasn’t sure where exactly she wanted to go, but she knew had to go somewhere else.
So as she left the busy New Haven city of Connecticut, she left her cares as well.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! Tell me what you think please!