The New Girl in Town

Three hott guys and I.

I had just finished touching up my last song when a bouncy ball came flying over my shoulder. I grabbed it and turned around looking at the two boys. 

"Which one of you threw this?"

"He did!" they both said at the same time. 

I rolled my eyes and stood up. I walked over to the door and threw the ball out into the hallway. It wasn't so successful since Justin Bieber was standing in my way. The ball hit hi m in the chest and fell to the floor, only to bounce down the hallway. 

"Uh, have you seen Christian? He's about this tall and was wearing a blue hat."

"Yeah, he's in here."

I motioned for him to follow me and led him into the room. 

"Christian! Justin's here!" I yelled out even though he was only a few feet away. 

"Ow! Do you have to be so loud?"

"I'll be as loud as I want to be until I know who threw that ball."

I stood there and looked at the two with my hands on my hips. They looked at each other and then at me. Christian sighed and said "I did it."

"Thank you for your honesty."

"So, Justin what did you want?" Christian asked. 

"Oh, well I was looking for you and wanted to know if you wanted to go see a movie tonight."

"One condition, can I bring Leah?"

"That's her choice, man."

Christian looked at me with pleading eyes and a puppy dog pout. I couldn't help myself and decided to give in. 

"Alright, I'll go."

"Yes!" Christian cheered. He did some weird little dance and then hugged me. I rolled my eyes and laughed. 

"But one condition," he stopped and looked up at me "Nick gets to come if he wants to."

I looked over at Nick to see him pull out his iPhone and check his schedule. He looked up after a minute and smiled, giving me a nod. 

"Okay, so the four of us are going out to see what movie?" Justin asked. 

"Can we go see True Grit?" I asked. "I heard it was suppose to be really good. I kind of wanna see if it's as good as the original."

"Sounds good to me." was all I got in reply. 

I gathered up all my things and walked outside with the boys. I followed as them as we walked towards an SUV. We got in with me in the middle of Christian and Nick and Justin in the passenger's seat. 

We drove off and towards the theatre. It was kind of quiet at first with only music playing softly in the background. 

"So… um, Leah, how long are you going to be in LA?" Justin asked trying to break the silence. 

"Just this week. I'm probably going to be in the studio most of the time though. I try to come out here every chance I get."

"Where are you from?"

"Kansas. I live in a very small town. Only about 2000 people live there. It's one of those places where everybody knows everybody."

"That's cool. Maybe we will have to come visit sometime." Nick offered. 

"That would be so awesome! You guys would like it out there; it's really peaceful."

"Well, we'll be sure to come see you sometime."

I smiled at the thought of them coming to visit. I really hoped that they would come down sometime. 

"Oh, hey Justin, you know what I just realized? I have both of their numbers but I don't have yours. May I have it, please?"

"Sure, one sec."  

He pulled out his phone and we exchanged numbers. I smiled to myself as a thought popped into my head. My first day in LA and I already have three hott and famous guys numbers.
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Hi! Hope you like this chapter tell me what you think please?

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SarahhhDarlinggg <---- First Comment! Yay!

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