Can You Tell Me... Is This Love?

Moving on......


I got up kinda early in the morning, cause I had a new idea about a song. I knew Ray was already up, but I wanted to tell Gerard, with him being the singer and all.

'Bob!' Ray whispered from the kitchen table. 'What?' I replied back louder. 'Shhhh!' He put his finger to his lips to tell me to shut the fuck up. 'What?' I gave in and whispered. Usually, I'd yell at him, but I couldn't be bothered today. 'Where you going?' he asked nosily. 'Get lost,' was my reply.

I started to walk over to Gerard's room, and wondered why Ray was so bothered about where I was going today. 'I don't think you wanna go in there.' Ray commented from the kitchen. I was half way across the living room, and regerdless of sleeping people or not, I spun round and yelled at him 'WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT NOW, YOU NOSY BASTARD?'


'WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT NOW, YOU NOSY BASTARD?' Bob yelled at me when I told him I didn't think he'd want to go in there. 'Shhh.' I told him again. He frowned and looked like he was gonig to scream. 'Seriously, Bob. You know Gerard took a little liking to Frank?' I asked, and he nodded in return, his face blank. Then, a look of horror dawned on his face, 'no. He's not.... they haven't... they aren't.' he stuttered. I grinned at the look on his face, 'he is, they have, and.. they are. That's why I'm awake so early. Couldn't get any sleep last night, I'm in the next room to them.' I told him. It was all a lie really, but I thought I could elaborate abit. Okay, a lot.