Can You Tell Me... Is This Love?

Gone Again


Yeah, Bob's left the band for awhile. We're all feeling the strain of touring and being famous. It's difficult, we're all getting it.

Mikey's afraid to drive in case someone tries to throw themselves under his car and sue him.

Ray is being shot at in his garden by someone who wants him for good.

Frank had to leave a restaurant with me the other day cause we had fans trying to mob us.

Bob has a good reason to go, his parents are both dead.

But yeah... me and Frank have finally made the decision. We've bought a house. We're gonna move in together!!


I went down to the kitchen that morning and saw Gee eating cereal.
'Morning.' I said, yawning and stretching.
'Handsome.' he replied, poking my stomach.
'Oh... yeah.' I said shyly, and proceeded to tell him why I was wearing his boxers and nothing else.
'Hey... you don't have to explain! I ain't complaining!! Just one thing...' he said, coming close and wrapping his arms around me.
'What?' I asked, looking up at him and giving him a kiss.
'Can I... uh.. have them back now?' he asked cheekily, tugging on the material.
'Gee! No... not here. Not yet, dude.' I said
'Aww.. why?' he whined. Mikey walked in.
'Cause it's not fair on Mikey!' I exclaimed. Mikey looked up, confused, saw me and Gerard, then quickly looked down again. I grinned. 'Come on Gerard. We need to... uh.' I stopped, disbelieving of what I was about to say, in front of Mikey!!
'Talk.' Gerard interrupted, seeing me go red and pause. I agreed, and followed him out of the room.