Somethings Gotta Give

Vanilla Scented Body wash

*Four Years Ago*

I sighed, folding the off white bath towel once again, then setting it one the stack of towels with the rest. Nodding my head to Scary Kids Scaring Kids 'Free Again', I playfully head banged my head, my long brown curly locks swinging back and fourth. Giggling, I balanced myself by grabbing to the table in the center of the room so I wouldn't fall over from the dizziness.

The song ended then, so I turned my attention back to folding the white laundry in the big, plastic, yellow basket. Yep, this is my job, folding laundry for a motel that my Granny owns. It's not that bad, actually. All I have to do is fold three to four loads of towels. And I even get 5 hours to do it. Simple.

When I finished folding the basket, I hopped up on the table, playing with the ends of my hair. I was singing when my Granny walked in and started laughing at me.

"Encore! Encore!" she teased, "Hey, when you're done auditioning for American Idol, I need you to take three bath towels, two hand towels, and an extra wash cloth up to 216. Take my keys if he's not there." she said, tossing her keys over to me.

Nodding, I said a quick 'yes ma'am' before grabbing the material off the shelves.

The motel is only two stories, so all of the 200's are on top. I climbed the stairs singing along with Escape The Fate's 'The Ransom'. People that stayed here for a long period amount of time usually get used to my singing, since I'm not that bad at it. They just don't like my choice of music genre. I prefer rock and metal over country and pop.

I got to the door, knocking twice and singing in a light melody, "House keeping!"

I chuckled at nothing. Every time I do that, I think of a movie that has a person saying it in a Chinese accent or something.

Trying a second time, I was still singing lightly to my music. No one answered, so I slid the key in and opened the door. This room was a single bed, nothing too fancy. The only difference was that the man's stuff was lazily thrown on the bed.

Outside, I heard the loud obnoxious sound of a car alarm. Shit like that annoys me, so I attached my other ear bud in my ear, turning my iPod up just slightly.

The towels were making my arm fall asleep, so I hurried to the bathroom and set them on the counter. I looked up and glared. His towels were already stocked, what a dick!

Groaning, I set them up neatly and took my time to look around. He must be a bachelor. The place was a mess, but clean in a freaky sense. His stuff was organized, but it looked like he just threw it into it's rightful place. I chuckled when I seen his vanilla scented body wash.

My iPod brought me back into reality when it changed to Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold, my favorite band.

I started singing with Matt, screaming when he screamed and keeping up with the lyrics. Deciding on going back downstairs, I turned off the bathroom light and walked out to the main area of the room. My phone buzzed in my pocket, so I took it out and checked the text.

My eyes were on my phone screen as I picked up my room keys and headed for the door. Before I could step over the threshold, I bumped into a hard, yet soft object.

At first I thought I had just ran into a wall again, because I tend to do that a lot. Shut up, they come out of nowhere! But then I seen that it was a tan, muscular chest. The scent of vanilla that filled my nostrils indicated that it was the guy that was occupying this room.

Out of habit, I glared at the ground, remembering that he made me come give him towels when he already had his. I muttered a soft 'sorry' before stepping around him and walking away.

Once I was in the lobby, I skipped over to my Boss Lady, Jane.

"Hey there stud muffin. Anything you need done with today?" I asked her.

She chuckled, shaking her head, "Not today. Why don't you go take a break by the pool, you need it."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes, "Janie-kins, we all know it's you that needs to go to the Bahamas and find a nice, tan local to rub y-"

Granny walked in, placing her hands over my mouth, "Don't you dare finish that sentence, young lady." she scolded.

Jane just laughed lightly, waving it off as she walked behind the front desk.

Turning to Granny, I said, "I'm going on yet another break, because our dearest Jane insisted. So I'll be by the pool."

She nodded, fluffing my hair up a bit. I giggled and headed outside into the warm summer day. The pool only went to 6 feet, but I don't complain, I'm only 4 foot 11 inches.

When I got to the pool, I took off my sandals, green tank top, and my jean shorts, leaving me in my neon blue bikini. Without hesitation, I ran and jumped into the deep end, letting the luke-warm watter engulf my into it's chemically induced basin.

I swam around a while, just enjoying the water with the sun beating down on my slightly tanned skin. When I was ready, I swam over to my clothes, but stopped when I seen who was standing there with a towel.

Brian Haner Jr. Or better yet, Synyster fucking Gates.
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New Story!! Ha ha, so I'm off to a great start :)
This is just the beginning, so yeah. In case you guys didn't get it, this was when she is 14. And it'll be that way for the first few chapters, so please be patient =]

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