Somethings Gotta Give

Your New Name Is Julio

Oh. My. God. Synyster fucking Gates is standing right in front of me. 

Me. Holy shit.

I decided to not to go all total fan girl on him and be civil, so I hoisted myself up and got out of the pool. I kind of laughed at myself when I had to remind myself to breath. Does he know he has this effect on people? 

As soon as I was out of the pool, I grabbed the towel from him with a soft 'thanks', and wrapped it around my body. I felt his eyes watching my every move, but not in the creepy way, more like the 'I'm curious about you in a non-creepy' kind of way. Actually, when he raised his eyebrows and gave me a once-over while smirking at me, it did seem just the slightest amount of creepy.

Though, to my surprise, I smirked back and walked over to the chairs, taking a seat in the sun to dry off. He followed my lead, giving me a big whiff of vanilla.

It was quiet for the longest time before I started giggling.

"What's with the vanilla scented body wash?" I asked through giggles.

He gave me a questioning look, then started stuttering for his word, eyes wide.

"I um.. Well, its.. I like the smell." he finally said, looking away with an amused smile.

I chuckled, "So what are you doin here? I mean.. uh, this isn't exactly your typical 'celebrity hot spot'." I said, cutting right to the chase.

He smiled at me, making me blush slightly, "Just needed a break, I guess. C-can you keep a secret?" he asked, a small plea in his tone.

I knew it was important when he stuttered, there was no way I could say no. So I nodded and listened as I closed my eyes while I took in some sun, letting him talk uninterrupted.

"How do you know when your in love? I mean.. I'm seeing this girl, Michelle, I'm sure you've heard. And it was great. But then something happened.. she cheated.. and I thought I was in love, so I forgave and forgot. But now she's just plain out seeing another man. I don't know why I don't just leave, because I know I should, but I just don't. She doesn't know I know.. or at least I don't think she does. We did get in a fight before I left though, so I don't know anymore." it was quiet fir a while as I waited for him to finish, knowing he wasn't done. 

"That why I'm here. To get away from drama." he chuckled a bit, "I guess you could say I'm just.. trying to find my way. Never thought I'd end up spilling my heart to a sixteen year old girl who works at the motel I'm staying at."

I smirked and sat up, turning in my seat to face him, "Who says I'm sixteen? Or are you seeing some other girl that's willing to listen to you for free?" I joked, liking the way I could make him smile.

"Well then how old are you? Cause if your not sixteen, then I'm not Synyster Gates." he chuckled.

Laughing, I sputtered out, "Well then your new name is Julio, 'cause I'm only fourteen."

His eyes bulged out of his head as he shook it side to side, "No fucking way! I-I mean, theres absolutely no way your only fourteen! It's just not possible!"

By now I was laughing so hard I was clutching on to my sides. His eyes were so big, he coulda passed as sponge bobs great cousin!

"No.. I'm really fourteen. Born February 10, 1992. But thanks, its nice to know I could always be able to look older." I chuckled.

His face flushed a bit, making me grin wider. There was another loud silence between us, giving me a moment to think about his problem. 

When nothing I could say out loud came to mind, a asked him, "What do you think your going to do?"

He shrugged, looking unsure of himself, "What do you mean?" his voice was monotone, but I could hear all the hurt buried under it all.

I sighed, not knowing how to say this, "Well.. I know you don't know what to do now.. but what do you think your going to end up doing? You do have choices, ya know. You could always leave the bi- chick." I caught myself, not wanting to upset him. 

I mean, he must still have some sort of feelings for Michelle if he's still confused. Fuck, I woulda dumped the bitch the second I knew she was sucking other dick.. 

"Or just... keep the relationship between two rocks. But if you do that, your determined to be unhappy. It's.. kinda one of those moments where you have to stop pleasing other people to find out what you really want." I finished.

After another moment to think to ourselves, Brian started laughing. What the fuck was he laughing at?!

"Ya know, for being only fourteen, you have good advice. And it's okay, I know she's a bitch. You don't have to worry about me telling on you for cussing." ah.. so he did catch that..

"Haha, well I actually have some manners, so SUCK THAT!!" I yelled, wrapping the towel around my neck as a cape and running around laughing like a psycho. 

He muttered, "Jimmy would just love you." causing me to stop in my tracks from the other side of the pool.

"So.. you really think Jimmy would like... me?" I asked.

Sure, I hadn't forgotten that he was the lead guitarist of Avenged Sevenfold, but from what I've seen, this is just Brian. So when he mentions one of the other guys, of course I wanna know about them!

Brian chuckled, nodding while standing up and taking his shirt off. Damn my premature hormones! My eyes wouldn't leave his chest for shit. It was so tan and muscular.

Hot damn, what I would do to you... I thought to myself.

"I believe that would be illegal.. or rape in some way.." he chuckled.

I brought my hands to my face, trying to hide my cherry red cheeks, "Shit fuck cock-sucking slut! You weren't supposed to hear that! I wasn't supposed to say that! Fuck, I'm sorry!" I said, embarrassed beyond belief. 

Now he was laughing. Fuck a couch..

"Don't worry about it, I'm flattered. But now I might have you suck on soap for that language." he said between laughs. 

I didn't move out from behind my hands, so when I felt his hands covering mine to move them, I jumped a little. 

"It's okay ya know. I don't mind you having a crush on me." he stated before leaping into the water.

I stood there flabbergasted by his words. Did I have a crush on him?
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Hey there! Sorry it's been a while, I've been studying for finals..


<3 Maria