Somethings Gotta Give

*** It

Four Years Later

Four years. That's how long it's been since I've met my hero. Well, if that's you wanna call him. Synyster Gates. Brian Haner. My summer best friend. 

Yep, that was him. We were best friends until he had to go back to his old life. Promised to keep in touch. Said that he would always miss me. 

Of course, that was four years ago. Okay, three and a half, if you wanna get technical. So that makes me 17 and a half now. 

I don't know why I actually expected him to keep talking to me- I was just some random 14 year old guru that was nothing compared to his awesome rockstary-ness. It's not like I was a huge part of his life.

Okay, so in my 14 year old mind, I was. I loved giving advice to him, being able to talk to him. He was the biggest part of my summer, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a mess after he left. 

I was just so caught in the moment of having one of my biggest idols with me. Though, I was glad he took my advice and dumped Michelle. Thank god E! News kept me updated on the whole group. 

Where I live, no one really knows who Avenged Sevenfold is. So when I went back to school, excited and eager to tell anyone who would listen, I felt retarded because no one knew who they were. And the few that did thought I was crazy.

But now I'm a senior, and a lot has changed. For me at least. 

I guess you could say I'm more of a badass slash loner now. Kids think I'm scary, and older kids just stay away from me. I have friends, but none that I would actually rely on. 

Hmm.. Oh well. I don't need them. Fuck it, I don't need anyone. Okay, so maybe I do need my Mommy and Granny and Nikkei. But there family, they kinda have to be in my life.

My badass image isn't all of me though, I do act like a goof too. I've always been kinda nerdy. It just comes natural I guess. 

"Riiiiinnnggg. Riiiiinnnggg. Riiiiinnnggg!" the bell rang for my last class to be over. 

Thank god I only have four classes, I nearly sprinted out of my desk to catch up with Nikkei. She's my sister, and my closest friend I have right now.

"So what's the big news?!" I questioned.

You see, Nikkei has been keeping something from me lately, and promised to tell me today. Something with birthdays, surprises, and trips... I don't know, I wasn't paying attention..

"Tell me ho you've been obsessing over since you were thirteen." she said.

"Avengevenfold, no-brainer. So?" I asked confused.

"So.... tell me which of your favorite sisters got you front row tickets to see them on a certain birthday on the 10..." she said with a smile as my face broke out into a huge grin.

"No way. NOo-fucking-way!!!" I exclaimed loudly, picking her up into a hug and spinning her while repeating how happy and thankful I was.

And that, my dear friends, is the just the beginning of my story.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eh. :)

This was the time skip, but I think I could have done better.. Oh well, it's not the worst xD


<3 Maria