Somethings Gotta Give

Jizz Flavored Ice-Cream

Just so everyone knows, jizz and ice-cream have everything in common. There both creamy and white, and taste oh so sweet. Ok, I've never actually tasted it, but I think I've read enough to know.. I think. 

"And that is why I love ice-cream as much as I do." Nikkei concluded taking a bite of her vanilla ice-cream.

"Really? Who compares ice-cream to cum? Besides you, of course." I asked.

"Oh come on! Everyone compares jizz to something at least one in there life!" my sister exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger at me. 

I laughed at her shaking my head instead of arguing. Who wants to argue with someone who's right? 

"So have you decided what you want to wear?" she asked with a sly smirk.

My face instantly lit up at the subject, then faltered at my reply, "No.. Nothing in my closet is worth wearing to such an event!" I threw my hands in the air, falling backwards into my bed that we were currently situated on.

"Seriously? Dude, it's not like your meeting the queen of England. Just wear something that's not so... obsessive. I don't think you have one shirt that doesn't have there name on it." she chuckled finishing off her jizz flavored ice-cream. 

I shot back up, looking at her with wide eyes, "I might as well be meeting the queen! They're just as important!! And no.. I have Escape The Fate, You Me At Six, Slipknot, Never Shout Never, All Time Low, and My Chemical Romance shirts, thank you very much." I retorted, counting the bands on my fingers.

"Oh, well excuse me for insulting your All-Band-Tee wardrobe." she remarked sarcastically, "All I'm trying to say is that maybe we should go to the mall and get you something a little... none fangirl like. We can even take a trip to Twin for the night since we still have like four days." she suggested. 

After thinking about it, I nodded my head with a grin, "Pack up for the night, we're going shopping!" 

I was kind of excited, because we rarely leave the parameter of our little town, much less take a three-hour trip to Twin Falls, Idaho. But the thought of shopping with my 23 year old sister wasn't as appealing.

*At The Mall*

Sometimes I don't think I'm really related to Nikkei. Not that I don't love her, because it is nearly impossible for someone not to love her, but because she's too.. controlling when it cones to shopping with. She has great style and all, but not my kind of style. 

We finally settled on one [URL]outfit[/URL=] that I looked pretty sexy in, might I say. 

After we found what I was going to wear, we went to check into our motel, then decided we were going to go out tonight. And Nikkei being Nikkei  decided to go to a gay bar. 

The plan for the rest of the week was to get drunk off our asses tonight and then go back tomorrow still slightly drunk. After we get home, were going to rest up for our long drive to Huntington, California, where we'll see the best band of all time preform. 

And hopefully I'll get to meet them in person.
♠ ♠ ♠
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