Somethings Gotta Give

In All His Glory

Today is the day. Well it's actually tonight, but whatever. Nikkei and I did as planned and got totally wasted in Twin, then had a very hungover drive back home. Once we were all rested up, we started out long journey to Huntington Beach. 

This hotel is pretty awesome, if I do say so myself. Thanks to Nikkei its there best honeymoon suite. Yeah, that got some odd looks for us. Oh well.

Eeeek! I'm so excited!! I'll get to see Brian and the rest of the band!! I just can't wait!! 

"So how great do you think this is going to be? Totally epic right?" Nikkei asked as she came out of the bathroom in only a towel. 

And were not honeymooners. 

I chuckled at her, nodding my head,"Hell ya!! This is going to be the best fucking night ever!" 

I couldn't help but to think that the feeling in my gut was the best feeling ever. Just thinking about seeing Brian again made my tummy do summersaults. 

I don't think I've ever been so excited.


There he is. In all his glory and not looking a day older than when I seen him for the first time. His forehead glistening with a layer of sweat as his fingers danced at a lightning speed. His hair spiked up in different angels and his tongue stuck out while he concentrated on the big intro on Scream. 

Fans surrounding me began to get rowdy, jumping and pushing to get a better view. Nikkei held on to my hand,  pulling me until she was satisfied with front stage spots. We danced to the music for a while singing along and just having fun. 

Somewhere in the mingle of Critical Acclaim, Brian had taken the time to look out my way. I seen the smile on his face when he seen me, but it wasn't out of recognition, it was of wanting. Trying to hide my blush I smirked back at him and winked. 

"He's coming this way!" Nikkei yelled in my ear. 

When I looked up, he was making his way to the front of the stage, that smirk still on his face. Once he was up by Matt, he started the solo to Seize The Day. I smiled when I seen him sneak a few glances my way. Yeah, he'd never make it as a ninja. Just sayin'. 

After they were done with there set, Nikkei decided she wanted to meet the Almighty Zacky Vengeance, her words not mine. 

It didn't take us long to get to the front of the 'meet and greet' line and we were just about three people behind when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around to face a big, broad chest. No one had to say anything for me to know who it was. The only question I had was what the fuck did Security want me for?

The guy smiled at me like he wasn't the most intimidating person in my line of view before he kneeled down a bit to talk to me.

"Ma'am, one of the band members has requested you presence behind the stage." he stated. 

His voice was soft, but had the edge to it that said he wasn't always this nice. He must have respect for women, and that made me think highly of him. 

"Dude, you have to take that! Get your fine ass back there!!!" Nikkei exclaimed from behind me.

I smiled at her but shook my head, "No thank you sir." I said, using my sweet voice, "I think I can wait to see them." I smirked.

He chuckled before nodding and un-strapped a walkie talkie from his belt loop and holding it out for me to take.

"Take this then. My name's Munro. Just hold that button and tell me if anyone of these douches try anything on you pretty ladies. Or just keep me company?" he said, a playful grin on his face. 

Nodding, I smiled back up at him, "Will do darlin. The names Sydney, by the way. And this is my sister, Nikkei. It was nice to meet you." 

I held out my un-occupied hand to shake his over sized one but he just smiled wider and embraced me into a bone crushing hug. He gave Nikkei the same treatment before walking off to an unknown destination. 

Once he was out of sight, I turn around to see Nikkei with the most sad face she could muster up. 

"How could you? You've been waiting four years to talk to this guy and when he invites you back stage you decide to ignore him? You must have lost your bonkers if you think I don't know what you're up to!" she ranted. 

I smiled at her, making sure my angel bites sparkled for her. She absolutely adores them.

Before we know it, we're at the front of the line, finally able to see them up close. Nikkei went straight to Zacky, leaving me standing there with all four pairs of eyes on me.

"What can we do for you, Sweet Cheeks?" Jimmy asked, eyeing me up and down. 

If it wasn't so dim, they would have witnessed the blush of the year. But instead, I smirked and nodded my head in Nikkei's direction, playing it cool.

"Just waiting for my sis." I smiled at Brian for a second, "But I would like a signature.. from all of you?" I asked. 

They all nodded, signing there names in the corner of the picture. 

"Who should I make this out too, beautiful?" Brian asked.

My smile widened as I thought of the perfect signature from him.

"Just put 'to Sydney, from Julio." I giggled.

His head shot up at the last word, making me giggle uncontrollably at his wide eyes. 

Just to fuck with him I added, "thats J.U.L.I.O. With a J not a H."

Brian's eyes didn't leave me until he finally realized who he was dealing with.

"No way! There's no way your already that big!!" he exclaimed, jumping out of his chair and gaining the surrounding peoples attention.

"That's what she said!!" Jimmy and I yelled at the same time.

Everyone chuckled at us, but Brian was still in his shocked stage. And what he said about me growing, that was just a verbal blow below the belt. 

"Surprise?" I said nervously. 

As soon as the words left my mouth, a grin spread across his face and he jumped over the table to embrace me in a hug almost as bone crushing as Munro's hug. 

It felt great to be close to him again. 
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