Status: Just watch out ;)


Chapter 1

My name is Parker Rae Von, and I am ‘owned’; held against my will to the whims of men. My parents died when I was ten years old, so it was just me and my older brother Cody, at the time he was sixteen. Cody had to get a job so, he dropped out of school; he got into bad debts with people he couldn’t fix it with by the time he was nineteen. It had been those three years, I had to hide a lot when Cody’s work came home, he told me that they weren’t aloud to know me because, it would get him in trouble. When I turned sixteen three years later I came home to find my brother shot on the floor of our apartment building, with five men standing over his body with smirks; their faces menacing and filled with sinister, sadistic, and twisted grins. They took me, my brother screaming for them to let me go, I knew I would never see him again; and I haven’t since, and I never will, ever again.

It has been a year since they have taken me, my seventeenth birthday is tomorrow; I have no family left, no one left to make this day joyful and eventful. Sitting in my all black room, my deep purple electric guitar in hand, I didn’t have the will to keep playing, even now this didn’t keep me amused anymore; a knock at the door.
“Parker? Parker babe, are you in there?” Clayton’s voice sounded as he creaked the door open.
“Yes Clayton.” I dropped my eyes to my guitar, this is the only thing I have left of my brother; his guitar. I could hear Clayton’s footsteps, and I could feel him sit on my bed.
“Hey, we need you downstairs.” He stated harshly grabbing my arm, dragging me to my feet and out the door.

They were all in the living room; Clayton, Shane, Bolton, Eric, and Damien. Clayton’s fists were tightly grasped around my arms holding me, Shane held his usual undisturbed frown, sitting in his leather chair in the corner; Bolton had a beer in his hand, his paperwork spread out on the coffee table, his face was pissed off as usual; Eric looked pleasant today, his light brown hair tussled across his face, a smile gracing his face, that was odd; and finally Damien was standing in the door way as usual smoking a cigarette looking outside. Clayton let go of me and sat next to Bolton on the couch, my arms felt tensed as I looked around the room leaning against the door frame; I didn’t know what they wanted, but I didn’t want to find out either.
“Damien finish your fucking cigarette why don’t ya!” yelled Bolton, his sharp voice could cut, it was like knives going through your skin.
“Calm down Bolton, god I haven’t smoked in so fucking long man! This drag ain’t getting’ wasted, god damn it!” Damien was pissed, he really hadn’t smoked in a long time, so he’s been really on edge with anger; my bruises proved it.
“Bolton just talk already, Damien can listen.” I suggested, waiting for the slap, the slap that didn’t come; not this time. Instead I just saw all the guys look at me in surprise.
“Parker shut up.” Laughed a smirking Eric; he got up and came over to me, grabbing my face in his hand, I winced, I knew what he could do to me. What they all could do to me actually.
“Well, it was just a suggestion.” I said calmly fighting looking into his eyes.
Damien smiled “Lay off Eric.” He put out his cigarette and came over to us, pushing Eric out of the way.
“Thanks Damien.” I blushed, I never blushed.
“Yehp anytime babe,” he walked up to Bolton “So, what is it that we need to talk about?”
“Parker’s birthday, shithead.” Yelled Bolton, he looked flustered and unhappy with Damien.
“Well duh, I knew that, but what of it?” Damien asked as if it didn’t matter, and maybe I was wondering the same thing; why did it matter?
“Umm . . . Why does it matter?” I asked quietly, because honestly it shouldn’t matter, not to them. They all turned to look at me, surprised that I was speaking, I usually didn’t speak but today I guess I was in the mood to.
“Parker go to your room, we’ll talk to you later.” I just nodded the usual nod and walked back to my room.

Take me out of your poker game,
Because you’re with all the fame,
And I’m sick and tired of getting all the blame,
Being your little toy on a stage,
And you’re the puppet master all the same cause I,
Left it all behind, body, soul, and mind,

And then I hear a knock at the door, “Knock, Knock love, you in here?” It was Shane, the Englishmen he is “Lovely singing by the way.”
“Umm . . . yah, umm thank you?” I blushed butting my notebook and guitar down. I pushed my black hair out of my face, looking at him.
“Well I’m not lying love,” he smiled, he never smiled “But we figured out what we are going to do for your birthday.” I was shocked.
“No that’s quite okay, I don’t want to celebrate my birthday.” I frowned, getting off the bed, feeling the cold hardwood floor grace the bottom of my feet once again; I stared out the window looking at the now setting sun.
“Come on Parker, just hear us out; you know we’ll make you do it anyways.” He came up behind me kissing my neck, murmuring ‘Parker’.
I pressed my arms up on the wall “Shane, please stop.”
“Nope, I can do whatever I please, remember Parkey? We own you.” I nodded and let him continue.
“Good girl Parker.” He kissed up my neck, groping my ass, and feeling up my sides. His hot breath running along my neck like wildfire, he pushed me onto my bed, taking off my t-shirt and shorts; while unbuckling his own belt.

We were now naked under my sheets; Shane’s arm carefully snaked around my torso, and “Parker?” he asked softly.
“Yah?” I breathed deeply.
“Come down stairs.” He cooed into my ear, slipping his clothes back on.
“Okay.” I said safely, putting my clothes back on and standing up; he was already standing at the door.

“Okay Parker, we are going to take you anywhere you want, let you do anything you want.” Clayton said gently looking me in the eyes.
“What’s the catch?” I glared, tightening my fists into balls, looking them all dead in the eyes; I knew there had to be a catch, they never let me go anywhere except for my last year of school, but even then one of them was always following me everywhere I went or one was with me everywhere I went.
“No catch, you just can’t run away.” Bolton stated matter a factly.
“But why do I stay here? I’m basically just your sex slave and all you do is use me! I mean yah, you guys have become family to me, in a weird way; but someday I wanna leave. I wanna be able to be somebody someday.” I felt the tears streaming down my face, burning my cheeks.
“Parker,” Damien tried to reason.
“No Damien, no Parker bullshit, you guys took me for no good reason! No reason at all, you took my whole life away from me!” I was crying harder, collapsing onto my knees, burying my face in my hands. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t speak, and my heart ached.
“Your brother owed us.” Stated Shane plainly.
“Yeah, my DEAD brother.” I stopped crying and stood up, looked once at the door and ran, ran out the door and down around back towards the tree.
“Parker! Get back here!” yelled Bolton.

“Parker, come down from the tree.” Clayton yelled up.
“No, please just leave me alone, I don’t want to be around you guys.” I glared down.
“Fine then I’m coming up, you guys can go.” Yelled Damien, taking off his shirt, and coming up the tree.

Damien came closer to me, wrapping one arm around me, and looking off into the distance “Par? Why do you gotta be so resistant and so god damn hard to work with?” he sounded ticked off.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered “But you guys took away my life, my brother, he was the only family I had left. It’s just that sometimes, I wish that this wouldn’t have happened, but other times I don’t really mind it because you guys kind of took me in . . . . But use me.” I said quietly.
“Yah, I know.” He shrugged.
“And usually you guys beat me and have sex like nonstop without me being able to walk around without one of you saying something. But, this past month you guys have laid off and let me be by myself some, to get into my music again.” I looked out into the night, the sun had finally gone down, and it was getting cold.
“Lets go inside Parker.” And I let him get us down.
♠ ♠ ♠
0.0. . . yah. . .again. . .rate. .. love. . .read?