Status: Just watch out ;)


Chapter 2

I could see the morning sun through the crack of the curtain covering my window, like the blanket over me; out of the corner of my eye I saw my door crack open. Hurriedly I rolled over and closed my eyes, pulling the blankets tighter around me; almost constricting me. I felt the bed go down; four times, the guys were now either lying with me, or just sitting on the bed. I felt someone shake me, once, twice, three times.
“Wake up,” it was Bolton’s sharp voice, it made me curl inward even more “Come on.” He urged, he didn’t sound happy.
“Go away.” I grumbled pulling the blanket over my face; Eric and Clayton laughed.
“Come on Parker get your lazy ass out of bed.” Shane was pushing me, grabbing my sides and pulling me up.
“Ow, you stupid son of a bitch!” he hit the bruises all over my stomach; they throbbed like thousands of needles piercing my skin.
“She told you Shane.” Chuckled Damien in my doorway, his black hair shading his eyes, those gorgeous eyes of his.

I stepped out of the shower, my black hair soaking around me; water was dripping down my back, the drops dripping around me; drip drop, drip drop. I shook my hair out, water flying everywhere.
“Hey! Hey! Watch it Parker.” Laughed Damien, his face appearing in the door way, he walked in putting his back against the door, just standing there his bare chest facing me.
“Do you mind? Wait no don’t answer that, because you guys interrupt my showers all the time.” I rolled my eyes and shook my hair out some more.
“Well then,” he came over, wrapping his strong muscled arms around my waist “Then you won’t mind, but wait today’s your birthday, so I can’t fuck you without your consent.” He chuckled. I blushed, and he chuckled some more; he could never know how I felt about him, not ever.

I checked my laptop, no recent emails or anything, surprisingly. I did all my essays last night for college; yes I go to college, but I go over the internet without the guys knowing. My door opened, I shut my laptop quickly so they wouldn’t see and put it under my bed, reaching for my sketchbook. I looked at the cover, there were lyrics and words written all over it; signatures of friends.
“I miss that.” I whispered, a tear falling down my cheek, I turned the page, there was a picture clipped to the page, the page with the drawing of my brother I did. I started to cry and threw my sketchbook across the room, which isn’t very far.
“Hey?” Bolton came in and sat down next to me “Are you ready to go babe?” my lips quivered, I didn’t want to nod, I didn’t want to leave; I just wanted to stay here.
“No,” I buried my face in my hands, I felt Bolton get up. “I’m not ready, I’m sorry.”
I felt him sit back down, “Nice drawing,” I looked at him, his eyes were sincere and his voice wasn’t sharp “It’s really good, you’re really good . . . .well in more ways then one, but not what I mean.” He chuckled to himself and looked at me.
“Thanks.” I murmured

Finally I walked out of my room in my purple and black striped hoodie, my black converse, my All Time Low T-shirt, and purple skinnies. The guys were waiting in the living room; they all turned and looked at me.
“Does this mean you’re ready to leave?” asked Damien amused.
“I guess so. . .” I went and sat in the chair next to the door, glancing at each of them. “It’s not really like I have choice.” I said half heartedly. Damien smirked, he got up and opened the door motioning for me to get out and go to the car.

We pulled back into the drive; today had been terrible, absolutely terrible; the car jerked to a stop and Damien grabbed my arm pulling my out the door and towards the house, my feet dragging along the walkway. The gravel felt hard against my shoes and the pressure Damien had applied to my harm was starting to wear down it down.
“Get her in the fucking house Damien!” shouted Clayton from the passenger seat as they left Damien and I to get into the house.

“Sweetheart, you know what I have to do now, don’t you?” Damien grinned manically, lust filled his eyes, no longer there was the sweet Damien that I had come to know for the past week or so. I mumbled as soft ‘No’ and looked away, I felt him draw back, I knew what was coming, hard and fast my head snapped back, his fist connecting with my cheek. My neck hurt now, and I knew I really had it coming now.

“Now one more time sweetheart, do you know what the fuck I’m going to do to you!” he yelled into my face, his mouth only inches from mine, his eyes staring down my own as he started to fiddle with my belt and unbuckling my jeans, he slipped it all off with one easy motion. I could feel the hot tears stream down my face, burning into my cheeks. He ripped my shirt off and such, leaving me completely naked beneath him as he started to strip his clothes off. I looked toward the door, he took my face hard in his hands and jerked it to face him, “You have to watch babe.” He smirked.

Damien stayed hoisted above me by his arms that held mine pinned slightly above me, “You ready Par?” he said seductively into my ear, I winced once and waited, his waist jerked into mine, he entered me, ramming his hard member as far in as he could, he went faster leaving me limp to really move.

He finally pulled out, it had been almost half and hour, and I thought it was over, but I was wrong as he pounded in, hitting the spot every time. He pulled out again, finally finished destroying me; he got out his switch blade and cut the skin on my hip, it burned the pain filling my whole body as the blood trickled down my thigh. It fucking hurt like hell, but I guess I was used to it, I laid there on the floor waiting; and then Damien tossed me my night clothes and slipped out of the room.

I slipped on my clothes and was now sitting on my bed staring up into my ceiling. I couldn’t move my legs, every time I moved it felt like I was getting struck by lightening. I saw lights pull into the drive and felt the door shut. Shit.
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