If I Could Gather Up the Nerve

Chapter Five

I kept my nose in my book, trying to keep my gaze away from John. We had fifteen minutes until Mr. Smith would let us go, and time couldn’t have picked the most wrong time to take forever.

I flinched slightly, as a paper ball hit my head. I didn’t look up, though; only kept my eyes locked on the words. My mind was spinning, and I couldn’t keep track of what I was reading.

Another ball hit my head and landed on the black topped table. I bit my lower lip, curiosity getting the better of me and opened up the wad.

You have to be careful, who you get close to, huh?

I cringed, wrinkling up my nose and rolled the ball back up. I tossed it into the trash, after getting to my feet.

Mr. Smith looked up, meeting my gaze, before glancing at his watch, “You’re both free to go; don’t let it happen again,” he smiled feebly, before moving around to the back of his desk.

I picked my bag up, slinging it over my shoulder and practically ran out of the room. I didn’t want to deal with John, so I skipped going to my locker and walked downstairs, right out the front door.

“Riley,” Garrett’s voice hit my ear drum, as I went to pull my cell phone out. He stepped onto the curb, a few feet away as the door behind me slammed shut.

“Hi,” I whispered, trying to ignore John’s stare.

“Do—” Garrett bit his lip, face heating up as he rubbed the back of his neck. He looked down at his feet, “do you need a ride home?”

I contemplated his offer, chewing on my lip. If I had to wait for Ethan, I’d probably get stuck waiting with John. On the other hand, if I got a ride with Garrett, John might’ve too. He just wouldn’t be able to bug me, as much as he would if it were just us two.

“Sure,” I smiled slightly, clutching the strap of my bag. I followed him towards his car, as he motioned for John to come.

Garrett pulled up into his driveway, allowing John to get out in a huff and head into his house. I got out, closing the door behind me and glanced across the street to see my brother stepping out the front door.

“Thanks, Garrett,” I whispered, smiling at him, before making my way down the driveway.

“Wait,” he gripped my arm lightly, spinning me towards him, “Uh,” he started, getting nervous, “There’s this party, at my house, next weekend. Do you, uh, think you can make it?”

I watched his face, glancing into his hopeful eyes for a moment, before chewing on the inside of my cheek. I rubbed my arm, after he let his hand drop, “I might be busy,” I lied, cringing as his face fell, “but,” I let my lips curve upward a bit, “if I’m free, I’ll try and come.”

He smiled, allowing his brilliant white teeth to expose themselves. Jumping slightly, he pulled me into a hug, “Thank you.”

I nodded, shaking slightly and made my way across the street. I met Ethan’s eyes, as I pushed into the house, “Shut up.”

“I didn’t say anything,” he chuckled, following and closing the door, “Are you alright?”

I nodded, setting my bag down and walked into the kitchen. I opened the fridge, grabbing a water bottle, and turned back towards Ethan.

He smiled, picking up a red envelope from the island, stretching his hand out. I furrowed my brow, taking it from him and read it.

On the front of it read Riley and the back, along the seals, Just give me a chance.
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Who do you think it's from? :3