

It was finally the day we left California. That meant no more seeing Brenda and her new girlfriend -- whatever the hell her name was. The first concert went by pretty fast. They had a set list made by Frank, which included old songs and new song, or that's what I was told. They had an encore of Cancer and Bulletproof Heart. The first song made me tear up; only James -- their touring pianist -- and Gerard were in the song, but they played it with so much passion. I could really feel how depressed Gerard was when the song was written.

After the concert, we stayed backstage for an hour or so. Then Frank decided he wanted to go out and meet some fans. The rest of the guys stayed back, too tired to do anything. I guess Frank was the one with the most energy. Obviously, since I didn't do anything but sit, I went out with him. Only a handful of people were there. About 20 fans, mostly girls. They all looked like they were freezing their asses off. I know I was, even when bundled up in my jacket and sweatpants. The fans were wearing either their Killjoy outfits, or a band tee with jeans. Only a few were wearing jackets.

I shivered and hugged myself, bringing my hands out of the pockets of my jacket to breathe some warm air on them every once in a while. Frank noticed and hugged me close, trying to keep my warm. A few fans noticed and aww'd, whilst I just smiled nervously.

Frank approached the fans, still holding me, with a smile. The fans all went crazy but tried to keep their composure. I smiled at the image. Frank loved meeting what he called 'their kids'. It was beautiful to say the least. I honestly think there's a place in his heart for all these teenagers, adults... He's such a caring man.

About 30 minutes passed, and he finished taking pictures and signing random things. All the fans left, except for two. A teenager, looking like she was about 16 or so, along with another girl, who looked about 13/14, sat about 20 feet from us. I wouldn't have noticed them if Frank hadn't pointed them out. They were sitting on the curb of the street. The 16 year old looking one had her head hanging low, whilst the 13/14 year old one was comforting her. They both sounding like they were crying.

Frank and I walked slowly toward them, trying not to freak them out. We stayed quiet whilst they were talking.

"When we get home... Just promise me you won't do anything stupid? Please Honey?" The younger looking one of the two spoke.

The older looking one sighed and looked up, wiping her eyes. She stared at the stars for a minute before replying. "I can't promise you anything," she muttered. "I told you that I would only keep that promise until the day of the concert. My mum's tired of dealing with me, and so is my dad. Jamie, I don't think I can take this anymore."

Frank kneeled down beside the girls and bit his lip. "So, what's happening over here?" He asked, trying to keep a smile on his face. He looks happy, but his eyes told a different story.

His hazel eyes were glazed over with a layer of tears that were threatening to spill. The sight itself made me want to cry. I couldn't imagine him sad, or angry... Or anything but happy.

The Jamie and Honey girl looked up at Frank, their eyes puffy and red. It looked like they'd been crying for an hour or so.

Jamie, the younger girl, opened her mouth to talk first. "M-My friend Honey... She's really... She thinks the world would be better off without her," she whispered. "I'm trying to tell her that it's not."

Honey hid her face behind her hands. I sat down next to her, talking to her, whilst Frank tried calming Jamie down.

"Hey hon," I spoke, lifting her chin up, making her face me. Her eyes were dripping with tears, and she looked pale as fuck. "I know how you feel right now. You're not happy... You're feeling worthless... But babe, I've been through that before." I showed her my arm, full of scars from burns and cuts. I smiled at it. "It's battle scars. It means that everything's gotten better."

Honey lifted her sleeve up and showed me both her arms. It was far worse than mine, and five of the cuts and burns looked fresh. "I-I'm sorry," she cried, throwing her arms around me and crying on my shoulder.

I stroked her hair and shh'd her. "Baby, it's fine... It's not your fault."

I looked over at Frank, whose eyes went wide. He glanced over at Honey and let a tear shed. I let out a shaky breath.

"Now sweetie, tell me what's wrong," I murmured to Honey. She looked up at me and wiped her tears away. She breathed in a bit before she spoke.

"My family... They were... They've been a-abusive..." She closed her eyes and winced. "My brother... He put a knife to my neck the other day. I begged him not to do it until the day of the concert." I opened my mouth to speak, but she shook her head. "I've been through counseling before, and I already know what you're going to say. 'I'm sorry. They'll stop eventually.' Blah, blah, blah." She wiped her nose and opened her eyes. "It's only going to get worse, the longer I live in there. It's either they end me, or I'll end it myself."

I hugged the girl close and shook my head. "No, what you're going to do is file for a lawsuit." I let her go and tapped Jamie's shoulder. "Sweetie, do you mind if Frank and I have a little talk? We'll be back soon. Don't leave, alright?" She nodded.

I stood up with Frank and walked back to where we originally were. "Frank, do you know what's wrong with the girl?"

He shrugged. "All Jamie says is she's been suicidal for a while, and it's only gotten worse the past couple of years."

"How old are the two?"

"Jamie's about 12, and Honey's just 13." He frowned. "They're to young to be thinking of things like this... I just..." He sighed and wiped his eye.

"Honey's family is abusive, Franklin. She needs to file a lawsuit. Her brother put a fucking knife to her neck the other day. The only reason why she didn't let anyone -- including herself -- end her life, is because she wanted to see you guys in concert. I'm guessing she told Jamie, and here we are now." I looked down at my feet. "I really want to help these girls out. They really are too young to be dealing with this."


A few hours later, we've gotten everything settled. I told the girls to come inside with us, and we'll take care of everything. I called the cops and told Honey that she's staying with us tonight. She told me that she wasn't about to leave Jamie alone. We called Jamie's brother -- whom is her legal guardian -- and told him that she would be staying with Honey and us for the night.

The cops said that they'll be putting Honey's family in a cell for the night, then they're going to question them, let them go home, and let Honey stay with a foster family until they find a court date. I volunteered myself -- with the approval of the rest of the guys -- to be the foster mum until then. Since this was sudden and out of nowhere, they had to talk to Honey about it, then look into my files to see if I was fit enough to be a foster mum. By the end of the night, they had agreed to it.

Honey glanced up at me. "Are you sure you're willing to do this until then? I mean, you're going to be pregnant and all..."

I giggled and nodded. "Yep. So until then, I'm your new mum, and Frankie's your new dad." I patted her head. "And Jamie can be your cousin."

"But you guys are on tour... What if we're all the way in New Jersey the day of the trial?"

I rolled my eyes and poked her nose. "You need to stop worrying. If that's the case, then we'll fly out there. All of us. The guys, the crew... Everyone. And we're gonna get you the best lawyer we can find."

Honey wrapped her arms around me tightly. "Thank you so much," she whispered in my ear. "You have no idea what this means to me."
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I'm sorry that I haven't been able to update much.
I've lost creativity. I still don't have it, but I just kinda wrote this out of nowhere.
This story is not planned at all. I'm writing everything as the story progresses.
So not only will you be surprised, I will be as well.
and yes, Honey is me, and Jamie is... Jamie. (x
Comments would be greatly appreciated<3