

Her brown eyes were filled with worry and fear. Tears were threatening to fall, but she didn't want to show any sign of weakness. Her face was growing red, as if she couldn't breath. Her eyes finally shut, and she let out a loud scream. Her fingers were trembling as she attempted to clutch onto Mikey's arm. Mikey let out a loud, sarcastic laugh as he let her other hand go.

"Mercy?" He snarled, his eyes dark and cold.

Honey shook her head and let out a small yelp. She twisted her hand so that she had control and giggled as Mikey's face twisted, revealing how painful this game could be. A tear slid down his face as he bit his lip.

"Mercy!" He screamed, letting go of Honey's hand.

Honey smiled and dropped Mikey's hand, cracking her knuckles afterward. "You're weak," she said, standing up from her seat and walking over to her and Jamie's bunk.

Jamie took Honey's seat and laughed at Mikey. "Don't worry; you're not weak. She's just... really trained... at stuff like that."

Frank stood by a silent Mikey and nodded. "Should we be worried when she's angry? Would she trash the whole bus?"

Jamie shook her head. "Nah, she hates using violence. Um, I guess she'll only use it when necessary."

I smiled at Jamie and patted her shoulder. "Good to hear. So when are we gonna meet your brother that you won't ever tell us about?" I raised an eyebrow and laughed softly.

"Um, I don't know... Whenever we stop by again."

Ray chimed in, "We're going back to South-Cali in May, so we can probably stop in Nor-Cal then." He smiled and took a seat by Jamie. "Are you really 12?"

Jamie laughed and nodded. "Yeah; do I really look older?"

Ray shrugged. "You just looked like you were 14 or something. I don't know..."

I rolled my eyes. "Raymond, hon... They've been here for almost a month. Get used to the fact that we've got two teenage fan-girls living with us."

Then it hit me. It's been a month. I'm supposed to get my period. Did I get it? Oh fuck life. I never get my periods monthly. It's never regular. Fuck my life. Does this mean I need to get a pregnancy test? Or is it for sure in there? Am I pregnant? What happens if I'm not? Oh god, oh god, oh god!

I rushed out of the eating/living/kitchen area of the bus and ran toward the back, toward the bunks. Honey was still sitting in her bunk -- my old one -- and just playing with her phone. She looked up at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, Ann," she greeted, using the name she'd given me the day after we met. "Is something wrong?"

I took a seat beside her. "During the next stop, can you go to the drugstore with me? I need to get a pregnancy test."

She nodded and put an arm around me. "Yeah, sure. What's gonna happen if you're not pregnant though?"

I sighed. "Um, I'm guessing that we're gonna have to have sex again and everything will be pushed back a month, or something. I don't know. I'm just confused with everything."

Honey laughed, "It's fine. Totally understandable. My friend from Chicago's asking if I can meet up with her though, like before the concert."

"Um, you know people from Chicago?"

She grinned, "I know people from all over the world!"

"... How did you manage to do that?" I stared at her with a confused expression.

One word escaped her lips that made the guys all running toward the bunk we sat in.



Honey and Jamie sat in front of a laptop, grins on their faces. On the screen was a blue background, the word Tumblr written on it. Honey typed in what I assumed to be her email and password, which directed her to another blue screen, but this time with posts.

"Wait, why is your URL 'frankinaskirt'?" Frank furrowed his eyebrows and pointed at the screen.

Honey shrugged. "I don't know... It was easy to imagine."

Frank then left the area and went off the the bunks.

Ray pointed at the screen next. "Why does it say 'My Chemical Bromance'? Oh shit, please tell me you don't make us have sex with each other."

Jamie laughed. "Nah, she's more of a Frikey's love-child."

Honey rolled her eyes. "Alright, well I meet people all over the world this way. Most of them are MCR fans; therefore, the ones whom I will meet will be at the concert."

I raised an eyebrow. "If I'm gonna be your legal guardian, I'm gonna have to meet these people with you. I don't want you getting hurt." Honey nodded. "Alright... Um, so when's the next stop?"

Gerard spoke up, "Um, it should be in about 10 minutes, near a Starbucks."

"Where exactly?"

"Kinda by the mall, I guess?"

I nodded and went off to follow Frank in the bunk, whilst Honey and Jamie showed Gerard, Ray, and Mikey the site.

"Frank, what the fuck are you doing?"

I stood in front of Frank, who was trying on one of my skirts. My eyes were wide as the moon, and his face was red as a beet. He tried his best to jump back into his bunk, attempting to close the curtain. I shook my head and sat in there with him.

"Why are you wearing a skirt, hon?"

"B-Because it sounded interesting..."

I rolled my eyes and felt the bus halt.

"Alright... Have fun with that... But um, Honey and I are gonna go to the drugstore real quick."

Before he could muster out another sentence, I ran to where the others were and grabbed Honey by the collar of her shirt. She squeaked and cringed before standing up. I dragged her out the bus and toward the nearest drugstore -- which was only about 3 minutes away by running.


I sat next to Honey in the bathroom of the drugstore, chewing on my lip. Honey gave me a reassuring smile.

"Do you want to be pregnant, or...?"

I shrugged, "I don't want to experience sex with Frank again -- that's for sure. It hurt a lot." I shook my head, trying to get rid of the memory.

"Well," she paused and checked her phone, "it's been about ten minutes. You can't avoid it any longer. We have to check."

I nodded, still chewing on my lip. Please turn out positive; please turn out positive.
♠ ♠ ♠
I felt bad for not updating for a while.
This is really boring and just a little filler, but um...