
First Impressions.

So it was Thursday, and I was supposed to meet up with Frank and Jamia before tomorrow to talk about how this is all gonna work out. I have a feeling at some point, I'm gonna get confused. And at some point, it's gonna be awkward. I mean, I was gonna have sex with the guy... And his wife's gonna know about it... And he's married.

Frank and I have gotten closer these past few days. His wife, Jamia, has grown to a liking of me, but we barely talked. It would make things even more awkward when I had to get down to business. But Frank and I were cool. He was a fun guy to talk to. It's nice having a straight guy friend for once.

It's been about three days since I last talked to Brenda, five days since the fight. We're still not together, and I still haven't seen her. Needless to say, my life has been pretty calm, besides the whole 'I'm gonna have sex with a married guy to carry his wife's baby so that they could have a happy family.'

As I thought about everything that's happened over these past few days, I sighed. I mean, Brenda and I were doing just fine until I agreed to that stupid thing. Maybe I shouldn't have... But what would I do with my apartment? I needed a place to live, and I did not want to live with Brenda. She lived in her parents' basement, and they're always suffocating her about her life. And her parents pretty much hate me. They never wanted a lesbian for a daughter, so not only did they dislike their daughter, they disliked their daughter's girlfriend.

A small vibration from my hoodie's pocket snapped me out of my thoughts. I sighed and looked at my phone.

Incoming Call: Frank Iero.

I groaned and answered the phone with a groggy "hello."

"Someone sounds really tired," a chuckling Frank pointed out.

I sighed. "Yeah, well I was just thinking about Brenda. So where are we gonna meet?"

Frank stayed silent for a moment. "Well, I'll give you the address. I don't really know what the place is called. I'll text it to you. See you there in about 30 minutes. Oh, and you'll get to meet the guys I always talk about! By the way, Jamia won't be there. She's with her family because her aunt just died."

I licked my chapped lips. "Alright. Make it an hour. I still have to shower and shit."

Frank replied with an 'alright' and hung up. These three mystery boys always wandered my mind. Frank would talk about them like they were superheroes. He'd talk about how people claimed those three boys have saved their lives in an artistic sort of way.

As every second passed, my excitement grew. It was like finally getting to see your best friend after a few years. And finally getting to meet those mystery boys helped increase my excitement. But then after I finished blow-drying my hair, I remembered that we had to talk about the whole 'baby' thing... In front of everyone.


"Okay, I'm outside," I muttered into the phone.

Frank laughed lightly. "Go inside, duh. I see you. Just tell them you're here for an appointment with Mr. Amazing."

I raised an eyebrow. "Dude, no."

I walked inside, seeing a security guard at a reception desk. He gave me a once-over and sighed. "Are you here to go all fan-crazed like all those other girls? Because if you are, just leave."

"Um, what? No, I have to talk to Mr. Iero about this thing that we had agreed on."

The security guard just laughed. "You really think I'm gonna believe that? Just leave. Stop wasting my time."

I shrugged. "Uh, can you just call him over. It's really important."

He rolled his eyes. "Unless you have special permission, you can't go in."

I sighed and called Frank. He answered, laughing, with a breathless 'what's up?'

"Yeah, the security guard won't let me in. What the hell, man?" I quietly screamed in the phone. Frank chuckled. "Dude, not the time for chuckling. I still have to visit my parents in a bit."

The security guard scoffed. "You really think I'd believe that it's Frank on the phone?"

I flashed him a confused face and handed him my phone. "Talk to him."

He scoffed and started off with a rough 'hello.' "Oh, sir, sorry. I thought this girl was lying. ... No she doesn't, but-- ... Okay, right away." He handed me back my phone and led me to a room.

"Here she is, Mr. Iero," the guard muttered, leaving as soon as he got there.

I smiled, feeling accomplished. "Sure showed him, huh?"

Frank nodded, chuckling, and patted the seat next to him. "Sit down, little girl, so you can meet the guys. They're about to come out." I nodded and sat down next to him, as a man with blonde and black hair entered the room.

He looked really tall, or at least he looked tall for me. I, being only about 5'0, think most people are tall. I mean, look at how short I am. Anyway, he sat down in an empty plastic chair in front of me and Frank, a Starbucks cup in hand. All of a sudden, the fresh aroma of French vanilla filled my nostrils.

"Okay Mikey, buddy. This is Naomi. She's the one who's gonna... yeah."

"Wow, what a nice introduction," I muttered. "And so glad to know that you talked about me already!"

The Mikey guy waved hi, and pulled out his phone. "Frank, you know that you don't actually have to have sex with Naomi to get the baby," he pointed out.

Frank shrugged. "I know, but I heard that it's awkward getting the sperm out and--"

"Can you guys can it?! I'm already nervous about this whole thing; don't make it any worse," I pouted.

Frank laughed, "don't worry. I'm pretty good at sex. I mean, Jamia did tell me I could become like the world's greatest sex god or something, but I don't know..."

I rolled my eyes. "Not like I'd get aroused. Remember, I'm a lesbian? I'm only into girls?"

And that's when Mikey spit his drink in my face. Nice first impression, huh?
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okay so i'm like completely lost in the story already lol.
and some people are probably going "how did they get so close in like 5 days?"
have you ever just talked to someone, and your conversations came out so smoothly, you guys became practically best friends by the end of the week?
i have; it was amazing. :)
and i'm just asking for just one comment. feedback, you know? please? :)