

"So you're actually gonna take that job?" My father asked, disappointment filling his eyes. I nodded. "Alesia, if I knew this was your last resort--"

I shrugged. "Don't worry about it, dad." I flashed him a smile. "I might as well experience what it's like to be pregnant. And he's a nice guy. He really loves his wife. He just wants a little baby to complete his family."

My mom smiled, leaning her head on my dad's shoulder. "Cole, isn't our daughter so lovely? Giving up her innocence to help a family in need." I laughed, and mouthed the words 'thank you' to my mom. She winked and held my dad's hand. "Well, go along now. Tell Brenda we said hello."

I licked my lips. "Brenda and I don't talk anymore, mom..." My mom raised an eyebrow. "We got in a fight, and well... We broke up."

My mom's eyes beamed. "This means I can finally find someone suitable for you! Oh, Cole we must get to work. Shoo, shoo! Your father and I will find someone fitting for you."

My mom shoved me out the door, leaving me out in the cold December wind. "Thanks mom," I muttered. "Love you too..."

I made my way to the car, just listening to the song playing on the radio for a minute. Just a Dream by Nelly was just about to end. Once Justin Bieber's song started playing, I made a sour face and changed the station to one that played classic rock.

It was time to get home and actually read over the terms and conditions of the contract thing. I honestly don't want to do this. I'm scared shitless, but this is what I have to do for the money. I just hope everything ends up okay...


After reading over the contract, I found out that I had to spend those nine months with Frank so he and the embryo could bond. Jamia will be with her family, and will be there when I go in labor. Frank and I had to be as close as spouses. Jamia knows about how I'm a lesbian, and has long given up on guys. Once I get out of the hospital, the baby will be theirs to keep. It will be my decision if I want to be there as the baby is growing up or not. I have to think that one over.

A ringing noise interrupted my thoughts. My head shot up and eyes trailed over to my nightstand. I glanced at my phone and laughed. Only he would be calling me at 2 in the morning.

"Yes, Franklin?" I laughed.

Frank sniffled. "Hello Naomi," he replied, his voice shaky.

I raised an eyebrow at myself. "Um, you okay?"

I heard some shuffling on the other line, and then a squeak. "Yeah, I'm okay now. I found my Pillow Pet." I laughed and shook my head. Only he would cry over a lost Pillow Pet. "So, what'cha doing up this late?"

"Reading over the paper that you gave me." My stomach was giving off a signal, showing that I was completely nervous for tomorrow night. "Um, so are you coming over tomorrow night?"

Frank chuckled. "Yeah, of course."

An awkward silence filled the conversation. I sighed and licked my dry lips. I really needed to buy some chapstick or something.

"Frank, why exactly did you call me?" I wondered out loud.

"I was bored. Jamia's still at her parents' and our house gets really scary when you're all alone, and it's dark." I quietly muttered an 'oh' and sighed. Awkward silence filled the conversation yet again. "... You're nervous, huh?"

I jumped a bit at the sound of his voice. It had been quiet for at least two minutes. "Um, yeah... Kinda. I mean, I've never had sex, so..."

"Oh, right. Don't worry, I promise not to hurt you." I laughed and shook my head. "What?"


"Oh okay. So, we must prepare!" He giggled like a little kid. I laughed lightly. "Okay, so... Let's see, since you're a virgin, you're probably all tight and stuff, so my fuckin' huge dick will like dominate it... Have you ever masturbated before?"

"Frankie!" I gasped. "This is not something we should discuss!"

"I'll take that as a yes," he muttered. "Okay, what else? Um, well there's gonna be no condom, and have you ever even kissed a guy?"

I blushed lightly. "Uh, no."

Frank gasped. "Seriously? Oh, this is gonna be pretty awkward."

"Franklin, you're not helping!"
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry for another shortie/filler. ):
i've been feeling kinda sick and bland, so i'm pretty much brain-dead.
and i kinda wanted you guys to see what she has to do. :3
like besides have sex with frank.
because that was kinda obvious.
i promise, next chapter will be friday night. ;)
oh i bet you're all waiting for that.