

"Naomi," he breathed, his warm breath hitting my neck.

"Y-Yes, Frankie?" I stuttered. He started trailing kisses from my neck up to my lips. I stiffened up and held my breath.

"Are you scared?"

I lied, and answered with a no. He pushed me back, forcing me to lay down on the bed. His kisses were soft, not rough as I imagined. He tongue glazed across my bottom lip, and I slightly opened my mouth. Our tongues wrestled, fighting for who will be dominant.

"I win," he mumbled on my lips, taking my shirt off. I assisted him in taking his own shirt and pants off, while he shooed off my help with taking my jeans off. "I'm a big kid now, Naomi. I can do this myself."

He pulled down my girl-boxers, as I pulled down his own boxers. I took my bra off myself, feeling more comfortable than how I would've felt if it was him who did that.

His mouth hovered over mine. "Ready?" I nodded as he attached his lips to mine to keep my mind off of the task. Slowly, he entered. I twitched, then dug my nails into his back. He kept a steady pace, but went faster and faster, forcing me to arch my back.

I let out a small moan, asking him to go as fast as he can. "Frankie, if you were my best friend, you'd give me the best fuck I'd ever receive," I groaned. Of course, this would be the only fuck I'd receive.

He went deeper, faster, until I felt a warm feeling in the pit of my stomach. "F-Frankie, what--" A huge moan interrupted my sentence. "Fuck!"

Frank groaned, "I'm so... close..." And within a few moments, Frank himself reached his climax.

He dropped down on the bed next to me, and wrapped his arms around me. "I love you Jamia," he mumbled. He was probably intoxicated. We decided it would be easier if we were both drunk. It sucks because I'm a heavy drinker, and those four shots barely got to me. But the body shots were pretty fun.

I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to screw with his mind. He thought I was Jamia, most likely because Jamia would be the only girl he'd ever want to make love to. He really loves her. One day, I want to find a girl who loves me as much as they love each other...

I pulled the blankets up and sighed, drifting off to a light sleep. "I love you Brenda," I whispered, a single tear leaving my eye.


The next morning, I woke up before Frank could, smelling the sweet aroma of coffee coming from the kitchen. I raised an eyebrow, pulled on my clothes, and made my way into the kitchen. My heart sped up a bit, seeing Brenda in the kitchen, holding a Starbucks coffee in her hand.

She just stared at me. No emotion was held in her eyes. She took a small sip of her coffee and licked her lips. "The guy from the club is in your bed right now, isn't he?" She growled.

I nodded, taking a deep breath in. "Why do you care? We're broken up. Why are you even here?" I knew I had a bitchy tone, but I didn't care. Why was she here? She's the one who wanted to get away from my life.

"Alesia, I still love you. You know that right?" Her voice softened, but I didn't care. "And I don't want a man you met just a week ago come between us."

I scoffed. "He's the one who came between us?" It was hard arguing with the one you love. Especially when you wanted that person back. But what has to be said has to be said. "No, he just helped me realized that you're too possessive. I mean, sometimes it's cute... But you just went too far. And you have the worst attitude I can find. I mean, this was to help my life. But you wanted me away from it. I guess you wanted me to live out in the streets. Such a nice girlfriend you were!"

By now, I didn't even think over anything. I just spoke out anything that came to my head. Brenda's face turned a light red. "Alesia--"

"Don't fucking call me Alesia!" I screamed. "Get out of my fucking house! Get out of my fucking life! I'm tired of you and your bullshit! You thought I was happy? Oh fuck no, I wasn't happy! It was all an act to keep you happy! Fuck it, I'm leaving this stupid place!"

I knew that I probably woke up Frank by now. As if on cue, Frank walked in with only his boxers on. He looked from me to Brenda, and then back to me, then back to Brenda. He walked towards me and gave me a warm hug. I blinked the tears that threatened to fall away, and took another deep breath in.

Brenda didn't know that I had to go on tour with Frank for 9 months, so might as well make her think I'm leaving. I honestly didn't give a fuck what she thought right now. She could be crying tears of blood for all I care. I was just annoyed.

"Babe, I can change," she whispered softly. "I can..." She blinked back her own tears, then starting stomping toward me and Frank. "You!" She yelled, pointing at Frank. "This is all your fucking fault! If you didn't ask her about this job, then me and her would still be together! This is all your fucking fault! I swear, I'm gonna kill you!"

Frank let go of me and stepped in front of me, protectively. Brenda shoved him backwards, but he barely moved an inch. "I'm not allowed to hit girls," he mumbled. Brenda pulled her arm back, made a fist, then aimed at his face.

Snapping myself out of a trance, I pushed Frank out of her way, then grabbed her balled fist. "Do not fucking touch him."

"Oh so what? You're into this manwhore now? He fucking cheated on his wife with you! You're such a homewrecker, Alesia!" She attempted to slap me, which she did. My eyes widened. "You know what, you're not even worth this shit!" She held her right hand up high, her middle finger flaunting in the air. "Fuck you both!" She sang, exiting the apartment.

I was still in shock. Not once in the whole three years I knew Brenda did she hit me. Not even playfully. My hand grew a mind of its own and made its way to my swollen cheek. I felt a warm, thick, sticky liquid making its way out of my cheek.

"She was wearing her rings," I whispered, tears cascading from my face. I lost control of my footing, dizzy from the shock, and fell over, hitting my head on a hard surface, which I guessed was the glass coffee table I owned.

"Shit!" Frank cried. I felt his arms wrap around me, holding me up. My eyelids felt heavy, so I just let them close. But I could still hear everything that was happening. "Hello? ... Yeah, my friend, s-she fell on her glass coffee table! There's glass everywhere, especially on her! ... Her cheek's all bleeding too because she got punched by someone with rings on her hands! ... Yeah, we're in the apartment building in front of Macy's Plaza. West 7th Street." I could hear his voice breaking. "Shit," he muttered. "So much fucking blood..." Suddenly he sighed. "Uh, apartment number 524. ... Thanks."

I groaned, finally losing conscious every passing second. "Thank you best friend," I whispered, finally losing consciousness.

"You're welcome, Alesia-Naomi."
♠ ♠ ♠
okay we finally get some action.
i can't write sex-scenes for shit because i'm a virgin.
and i've never even kissed a guy, or made out with a guy, so... :3
but yeah, finally not a filler. :)
are you all happy now?
btw, i don't live in l.a. so i don't know where anything is there.
i just made something up, okay? so don't hate me. :3
go and hate brenda.