
Her Very First Interview.

I stared at my fingernails, trying to look calm. I probably looked completely awkward, just sitting there next to Jamia and Frank while they we were being interviewed about the whole 'baby' thing.

"So, can you guys explain how this is gonna work?"

Frank looked at Jamia, then at me. "Well, Ale--Naomi, I mean." He quickly corrected himself. "She's gonna go on tour with me until she goes into labor, then uh... I guess Jamia will meet us up wherever we are, then we'll just go from there." He flashed them a cheesy grin then put an arm around Jamia.

"Okay, this question is directed to... Uh, would you rather we call you Alesia, Naomi, or Alesia-Naomi?" The interviewer asked.

I shrugged. "Naomi's alright," I replied.

"Alright, anyway... Naomi, how do you feel about everything? Are your family and friends supporting you? And how is your sexuality an aid or a difficulty for this job?"

I kept my head low for a second, thinking over acceptable answers. They can use anything I say against myself. "Uh, I'm alright with everything. You know, I agreed to it. And my family and friends are supporting me 100% with anything I wanna do with my life. Right now, I'm actually having some financial troubles, so this is gonna help out a lot. And my sexuality's not being a bother. If anything, it's a complete help." I flashed them a small smile, like how Jamia does, then sighed. "It's a reassurance that Jamia won't kill me for having sex with her husband."

They all laughed, Frank covering his face and keeping his head low so his hair would help cover the rest of his face. Jamia just covered her mouth, and the interviewer just let it all out. And there I was, sitting awkwardly like always.

"Okay, well it seems we've run out of time!" I could tell the frown on the interviewer's face was completely fake. "Until next time, I'm Sasha Oliver..."

"I'm Frank Iero."

"I'm Jamia Iero..."

"... And I'm Alesia-Naomi Peters," I mumbled loud enough for them to hear me.

The interviewer smiled, then put a hand on Frank's shoulder. "And this has been MTV News."

I quickly excuse myself and run to the bathroom, taking my phone out and dialing Aiden's number. I obviously had no experience of interviews. This was my first one, and I bet I looked completely stupid. I was just... there.

"Yes, sweetie?" I heard the familiar voice that calmed me down on the other line.

I sighed. "Aiden, I suck at interviews..."

A loud laugh emerged from the other line. "I know! I watched it on live-stream! Haha, oh my goodness, you were just like 'Oh this is so awkward; la dee la; I'm just gonna sit here and wring my hands.'"

I growled slightly, but ended up giggling. "Shut up Gayden! I really don't wanna ride in the same car as Mr. and Mrs. Iero, so can you pick me up? They're probably gonna be all lovey-dovey, and I don't wanna deal with that right now. Brenda sent me a text during the interview..."

"Yeah, of course hon."


I sat outside on the sidewalk, waiting for Aiden's car to appear. To my surprise, he brought his motorcycle instead. Why, Aiden?! You know I'm deathly afraid of these!

I glared at him as his bike skidded to a stop. He batted his eyes innocently, then embraced me in a long, warm hug. "Hi Alesia!"

"Let's just go home."
♠ ♠ ♠
I know I haven't updated since December 28. ._. I'm sorry. I give you permission to shoot me. But I've just been getting MAJOR writer's block. No matter how much music I listen to, shows I watch, stories I read... I get nothing. Not even by watching embarrassing videos on YouTube! D: Even as I've experienced a lot of emotions that Alesia would be going through, I still didn't get anything. So I'm sorry if this story's taking a downward spin. /:

AND USJTBSJET THIS IS SHORT. LIKE REALLY SHORT. I'M SORRY SUBSCRIBERS; I have a fear of my parents coming in and reading this over my shoulder. ._.
I promise, next chapter will be more interesting!

And so far, I only have one groupie.
Okay, I guess the rest shall be my friends.
