Status: Working on it!

Remember the Best Hours

Chapter One

Jay Jay's Point Of View

I stand there, listening to that damned screaming of my brother's and his newest girlfriend, Stacey. I said straight to his face 2 months ago, when they hooked up, "That's a whore name." But like he ever listens to me. I sigh and sit on the curb of my street waiting for my best friends to show in Caitlin's car. I take out my iPod and hit play. I smile as the song Drop Dead Gorgeous fills my ears. Oh, I love this song. Short Stack had to be my all time favorite band, though I can name a lot others that I think deserve the same spot. It's just that Short Stack is one of the hottest bands in the world. Well, beside ours.

I grin as Caity pulls up to the curve. "Ready to go, Jay?" Haylee asks me. I nod my head and yawn as I open the slick looking car door.

We were heading to the mall. It may be a little weird to do that on a Monday, but they don't think so. I sit beside Mars and smile at her.

"Hey, Jay. How have you been doing lately?" She asks me.

"Eh," I grunt out.

"Seems like someone wanted to go to sleep," Lenny whispers and giggles.

"Hey, what's your favorite planet?" Caity asks.

"Mars," Mars says and laughs.

"Uranus," I joke.

"Suck you!" Mars yells.

"I don't have one," I yell back.

"You should be telling Lenny that," Haylee says.

I look at Lenny who glares at Haylee. "Shut up!" Lenny yells. Lenny is a blond haired girl with pale blue eyes. She can be really mean at times. Actually, being mean is her favorite subject. She dresses in the latest fashions, and I never really knew why I was friends with her.

Mars is a completely different subject. She has straight black hair that goes to her waist and a voice that sounds like she is insane with shiny blue eyes. Ya know one of the really high pitched voices? Kinda like the voice of the girl near the end of the song Schizophrenia by Brokencyde... Yes, that high of a pitched voice. She actually tells us tales of her mom sending her to an insane asylum... Let me just say, she has seen some weird things in her life... And said some weird things. Like when I was at her house, she sang the lyrics of Brokencyde's Schizophrenia because I told her that her voice sounds like the girl's. She agreed and started to sing it on speaker. Her mom yelled at her for going to do a recording without her permission. It was pretty funny.

"Make me!" Haylee yells.

"Suck it, you two!" I yell and glare at them.

"Sorry, Jay," Both Haylee and Lenny says.

"Uh huh, I bet that they're lying! They just don't want to get in trouble!!" Mars yells and shakes her head, moving her black hair out of her pale white face.

"Are you sure you're not wearing makeup?" I ask Mars.

"Yeah. Except for my lips," She says and points to her bright red lips.

Haylee giggles, "You can totally pass for a vampire."

"Yay!!!" Mars screams and beams. We all know that Mars has always wanted to be a vampire, hell, she's been asking for one since she was 5. She's asked Santa, nada, she's wished on stars, nothing, she's prayed to God, zip.

We pull up at the mall and I look at Caity, who stretched her arms in her car and look out the window.

"What exactly are you doing?" Lenny says and pokes her cheek.

"Staying away from you," Caity says sharply.

"Rawr," I say and smile as I get out of the car and walk to the mall.
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First chapter and new story! Comment and subscribe! Please? Kitty Muffins will love you forever! They promise.