Status: Working on it!

Remember the Best Hours

Chapter Ten

Jay Jay's Point of View

I sigh quietly, closing my eyes. "God, I'm so bored," I mutter.

Haylee turns towards me and glares. "Seriously, Jay? Being lost in the forest isn't enough excitement for you?" she asks, crossing her arms over her chest.

I grin. "Actually, its not. I prefer something better... Like being on a rollercoaster. Or something simple: Sleep." I was extremely tired and lazy, not wanting to move anymore. It seemed like we have been in this forest for years by the way my legs were feeling. All sore, and annoying. "Why can't we just fly?"

"You know, that would be really awesome. I'm pretty sure that we can even then get out of here fast-" Andy starts, but my eyes widen and I push my hand on his face, mostly his mouth, pushing him backwards.

"That would be awesome!!" I yell, looking up at the stars. "I'm pretty sure Mars would be the first person I would go to if I found out I could float. I would be all like "Dude! I can FLOAT!" and then we would have like, a party or something." All the thoughts went through my head. "Parties in the sky."

Bradie starts laughing because of the way I sound when I said that, and Haylee hits my arm. "Yeah! I feel so loved! You know what, Caitlin would be the first person I would go to if that happened to me."

I glance at her and smack her arm back. "Bitch! I find that so-"

"Hey, we're getting very off topic," Bradie says, grabbing my arm lightly.

"All I know is that Haylee got off the phone with Caitlin, then Jay came up with the idea to use your GPS... And you're not using it," Andy says, looking over at Haylee.

I giggle and close my eyes. "Hey, Hay." I burst out laughing, leaning against Bradie to keep my balance.

"...Anyway, I should text Caity to tell her that I am using my GPS," Lee mutters, obviously glaring in my direction.

"Oh, and tell her that you love Andy," I say seriously, my laugh instantly stopping. I give her an innocent smile and cross my arms.

"Like the way you love-" Lee starts, but I hit the back of her head.

"I DO NOT LOVE HER! I'm straight." She was talking about my slight obsession with Yuri from the anime Angel Beats!, which in my opinion, is so amazing, it made me cry at the end.

"Psh, yeah right."

"Bradie! Tell her I'm straight!" I yell, looking over at the drummer to Short Stack.

"Ah-hah!" Andy yells, pointing at us. "So you were making out!"

Lee's eyes widen and she looks over at us. "I knew it!"

I frown slightly and cross my arms. "So what if we did?" I look over at Bradie and smile brightly. "I MADE HIM BLUSH!"

"Shut up. And anyway, we need to start heading out," Bradie mutters, letting his head fall down.

"Okay, I just texted Caity. Now we can go," Lee says, turning around to walk a direction, looking at her phone all at the same time.

My mouth drops and I gape at her. Andy starts following Lee, and Bradie stays by my side. I feel someone grab my hand, and I turn to look at Bradie, who was blushing even more. I tilt my head and he looks at the ground.

"You okay?" he asks slowly.

"Yeah... Just, if that was me, then I would have tripped by the time I took a step," I mutter, wondering how Lee did it. "ANYWAY! Let's go!" I yell, then stop. "I've been yelling a lot lately." I shrug my shoulders, then start dragging him towards Lee and Andy.

As the time passes, I let out a sigh. "God, I'm so bored."

"This is like Deja Vu," Andy mumbles, looking at me.

"Cha, cha, cha!" I say, holding back a laugh. "Oh the memories that brings back."

"What memories?" Andy asks, looking over to me. Lee starts laughing and shaking her head.

"Its a pretty long story... But I'll share it with you:

"When Mars and I were in middle school, sometime around seventh grade, we had detention, due to a small complication: Mars never did her homework. She never did, and probably never will. So, with me being all smart, I let her copy my paper. With our non-existent ninja skills, we easily got caught in that small act, and was sentenced to five years in prison, or so that's how we took it as.

Five weeks in detention was not at all that bad as we may have been lead to believe. Or, at least, it wasn't for us. That's the day that we met Lee and Caity. Lee was all alone, sitting in the back of the detention classroom, listening to her iPod. Caitlin was sitting in the front row, head banging to some music or another that we found out was just in her head.

Being the extremely smart and awesome people we are, Mars decided to do something. We are cousins, and forever friends, so I didn't say no. I mean, how could I? It seemed like an amazing plan at the time.

Each of us got up, Mars going over to Caity, and I going over to Haylee. On Mars's signal, we would both scream as loud as we could, right next to their ears. Oh the fun we had when that plan went wrong.

Caity got up and like, karate choped Mars. Mars, being all awesome, she went and got into a ninja pose, which pretty much failed, and tried attacking her. Lee just ended up falling out of her chair from pure shock. And that's how we met.

But, cha, cha, cha happens when we meet Lenny. The poor girl got detention because of-"

"Why do you keep mentioning detention? And not something like regular classrooms?" Bradie asks, cutting me off.

"Hm? Oh, only me and Mars had classes together during seventh grade. So, the only way we could all get together is through lunch or detention. So, we basically got detention everyday.

Anyway, Lenny had detention because she was flirting with this rather attractive guy. It was the head cheerleader's boyfriend, and Lenny kicked her ass. Lenny knows some really amazing moves to use in a fight, so she won it easily. Lenny was just sitting in the front row, minding her own business when the head cheerleader came in and started cussing her out.

Due to Lenny being all awesome, even if we didn't know her then, I got up and pushed the bitch. Mars came to back me up, but I wouldn't allow it. I started running circles around the whore, since I don't know how to fight, but then I came up with an amazing plan, one that I dream about. I started dancing, which confused her.

Mars got the hint and started doing the YMCA, which Caity joined in on that. Lee just stood there, laughing her ass off, and doing horrible dance moves. I came up with the idea to do the cha-cha dance, or whatever you call it.

That day was amazing."

"Wow, some history you have there," Andy says. "And I'm pretty sure Lee can dance very good."

"Thank you! But she prefers seeing little kids dance. She just has bad tastes," Lee says, looking over at me.

"Hey, you dance crappy," I say, holding my hands up. Seeing something, I point at it and look at Bradie. "Hey, what the hell is that?"

Lee was the first one to turn and look at it. She screams, which makes me cover my ears with my hands. "WHAT THE HELL?! ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME GO DEAF?" I yell at her, but run over and hug her.

"THAT'S A DEAD BODY!!" she yells, pointing at it.

My eyes widen. "There... there really is a serial killer."

"Its just a dead animal," Bradie says, looking over at us.

"Thank you! No serial killer!" Andy yells, looking over at us. "I've told you many times, so quit believing."

"But there has to be! With how many times we've brought him up!" I yell at him, shaking my head.

"We... we don't mention this to Caity. She doesn't want to know that we think there's a serial killer out here," Lee says, turning to look at me. She was shaking, which made me frown. Of course she usually did get this worked up over watching really scary movies. Not the bad ones, but the really good ones, that make you almost piss your pants.

"Yeah. I agree. Caity will laugh at us and call us bad names." I back away when I see someone coming. "M-Mars?!" I yell out, running up to her. I would know that pale skin anywhere. "I love you!" I say, hugging her tight.

"I can't breath," she says. I let go. "Why did Haylee scream?" she asks, looking over at her. I point at the dead body, and she sighs. "Freaks. Now come on, we all were worried about you." She grabs my hand and pulls on it.

We all follow Mars out to the open, where I breath in the air. Like I haven't been breathing it at all. I hear Shaun's voice and I sigh peacefully. Hopefully, they know the way out.

"We were pretty bummed about what?" Andy says, making me look over to him. But.. I swear he was somewhere behind me. Guy must be a ninja!

"Guys!" Shaun says, making me look at him. He was rather close to Caitlin, might I say. I smirk and cross my arms over my chest. Oh, this is something I'm going to tease her about.

"What are you two doing out here?" Bradie asks. I roll my eyes and sigh.

"Its pretty obvious," I mutter to myself. I mean, they were close, staring at each other, and everything! "Probably the same thing Andy and Haylee were doing," I say outloud, having to mention it.

"So you were!" Caity exclaims, making me tilt my head. Why was I not involved in any of this? Was this something they discussed over the phone? Why didn't anyone tell me?

"We were not!" Haylee says.

"Does that mean you two were as well?" Mars says to Caity and Shaun, making me laugh again.

"No! We went chasing after you but we lost you."

I snort, shaking my head. "Sure, sure," I mutter, which only Bradie hears, thankfully.

Many things happen following that, and I sigh. "God, I'm so bored," I mutter once we reach the forest edge. Andy and Lee sigh while Bradie laughs. An idea pops into my mind and I glance behind me, smirking at Shaun who was holding Caity bridal style. "Hey, you're going to do that soon, huh?" I ask.

Lee catches on and starts humming the music that you listen to at a wedding. Bradie laughs and shakes his head. I didn't look at Andy to see what he was doing, because I finally spotted Lenny. I run at her and tackle her on the ground. "I ACTUALLY MISSED YOUR BLOND HAIR!" I scream in her ear, hugging her tightly.

"Ouch, you ho! Get off of me!" she yells, getting up after I get off of her. She fixes her hair, then turns towards us, tackling all of the girls in a hug. "I missed you!"

I sigh, shaking my head. She stops hugging us then turn towards the boys. "So, what's happening?" Mars asks, laughing nervously.

Lenny glances over at us and glares. "Oh shit... she's pissed," someone in our girl group mutters.

"Hey! We need to get home!" I suddenly say, running a hand through my hair before sighing slightly. "My brother's going to be pissed."

"Oh, you're lucky," Lenny mumbles, closing her eyes, before putting on a smile. Of course we could tell it was forced, and she was mad at Mars, Shaun, and Caity for leaving her all alone, but they didn't know what else to do. We were lost! It wasn't our fault that she's afraid of ruining her hair or clothes or something.

"Yeah, okay. Right. Anyway, we're going back in Caity's car, right?" I smirk. "Or, does someone want to stay over at the guys' house?" I turn to look at Caity. "I mean, someone needs to go on a honeymoon." At that, Shaun puts her down.

Lee laughs and I just shake my head. "What retards."
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! Its done! Sorry for the long wait. I would have got it done sooner, but work sucks. And so does groundment.
So yeah, sorry all! Hope you love it!