Status: Working on it!

Remember the Best Hours

Chapter Twelve

Caitlin's POV

After Haylee drops me off, I look sternly at the door. Like if I just stared hard enough at it, I would just magically appear inside, sitting on a sofa. Or more preferably my bedroom on my bed. I sigh and start walking, or limping in my case, to the door. Haylee had already left me and decided that I would have to stop being a wuss and start walking on my own. Like I was complaining or something about having my knee busted up. I just have amazing friends.

I knock on my door, realizing that I had left my keys to get in the house somewhere inside of my room. I think I was lucky that I even remembered my car keys. Though this day just seems to have been a blur. First, I had spent an entire day with Shaun Diviney for one. Two, I had a free game of Dance, Dance Revolution. Third, I had spent an entire day with Shaun Diviney. I mean, how could this have really happened? No, it must have been a dream.

My mom opened the door and shot me a glare, breaking me out of my thoughts, and almost made me pee my pants. She was really hurt, I could tell that. Emotionally, not physically. I had said that she had wrinkles all around her face, and so I think that she just now looks like an ogre. What did you call it? A face mask. Green gunk all around her face and she was wearing her hair in a white towel. And she dared to open the door like that? What if someone was watching?

I reach a hand up and touch the green thing on her face. "You look even older, babaa," I mutter, then I sigh. "Oh noes, they've been secretly teaching me japanese!" I yell out, starting to panic. Japanese was not my thing. Of course I was more of a drummer to the awesome band Deal School Girl.

"Whatever, just get in the house young lady! And I want to know where you've been all day!" she yells, pointing somewhere inside. Was that the kitchen? Is she telling me to go get food?

"Hey, if you want me to eat, then you'll have to bring it to me. I totally killed my knee earlier chasing Mars. The candy bar." I wobble in and walk over to the couch and carefully set myself on it, hoping that my knee wouldn't just randomly try to attack something. Like Jay's driving. Annoying, scary, I swear she purposely tries to run into trees, and she speeds way too fast.

"What? What happened?" she asks, turning towards me, her eyes wide. "Is my baby hurt?" That's something I had always hated. I was her "baby" forever and always. Mothers, you gotta love them though.

"No, mother. I'm fine. I-I just fell is all." Well, that wasn't a complete lie, right? "Mars just decided to run away from me at a very important moment, and I just had to follow her. You know me, really clumsy." I laugh nervously, hoping that she didn't take it any farther.

When she nods, I sigh relieved. "Well, I'm going to head to bed," I murmur, waving, then walking over to the stair case. I glance up at the top of the stairs and start counting the number of steps.

Twenty. What kind of house has more then fourteen?

I turn around and smile kindly at my mother. "Oh, so I'm just going to go to sleep on the couch, yeah?" I limp over to the couch and lay down on it, closing my eyes. I almost forgot how comfortable it was.

"Alright. You sleep tight, baby," she said, smiling softly at me, then turning around and walking up the stairs to her room.

I yawn, tired from work today. It has been a very long day, and I just can't wait to get home and sleep. With my cat. But... doesn't that make me a cat woman? Am I going to die alone? With my cats?

A voice knocks me out of those thoughts and I turn to look at it. I swear my heart skips a beat as I stare at the dark haired boy that has an amazing voice, and not to mention very good guitar skills. Shaun Diviney.

"Oh, hey, Shaun," I say, trying not to sound amazed. His hair was slightly messy, and he was wearing clothes that just fit him. God, he looked-

And annoying ringing sound in my ear makes me open my eyes. As soon as I did, bright lights hit my eyes and I close them. Groaning, I sit up and glance over at the time. School... Great.

As I walk onto school grounds, I spot Mars, Haylee, and Jay Jay all hanging out near the doors, sitting on the steps. I run over to them, wanting to tell them about my dream. Then I stop. That would seem weird, wouldn't it?

Jay had her hair pulled back for some strange reason, but a small part of her bangs was out, showing off her dark green eyes, which I had always thought was an amazing asset for her tanned skin. "Hey, babes, are you okay?" I instantly ask her, sitting down a step under her.

She glances down and smiles. "Yeah, of course I'm fine. Just a... a weird night is all." I look over at her and shrug my shoulders. She never was the one to tell us anything. Sure, she was an open person, but not really that trusting. And even if she did trust you, she never told anyone about her past unless it was good memories.

"Oh, okay. Anyway, Lee, Mars, you two have a good night?" For some reason Haylee blushed as I asked it. I made a note to ask her about it later. Mars just shrugged her shoulders. I did so too, and that's how our day started for school.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so sorry if my chapters are a bit late. I'm at a really good friend's house of mine with Aurora and my other friend Limmy. Well, let's just say that Beau's (the girl's house I'm staying at) laptop totally crashed. So, we never know when we can get on or not.

But I hope you like this chapter! I'm working on the next one right now! ^.^