Status: Working on it!

Remember the Best Hours

Chapter Thirteen

My night had consisted of listening to Short Stack over and over again. Of course, I had totally killed my guitar. No, not from playing it, but smashing it. My brother had yelled at me for being late and had said that I would never see boys again, or even go to school. Yeah, I got out of the house for school, but from bribing him. How lame is that? He's not my father!

I hear the bell ring, and I snap out of my thoughts. Standing up, I fix my shirt and flinch from my slightly messy look. It was completely different from what I usually look like, and I knew that my friends knew something was up.

I was sad, mad, depressed, and I couldn't play my guitar at all. It was just... Just horrible. And I didn't know how to tell the other girls at all. They would definitely know that I was about to run away yesterday.

Yeah, I don't have a perfect life. But does anyone? My brother dates whores, and gets his heart broken every week. That hurts me, both when he gets dumped, and when he yells at me for something stupid. He had major anger issues, but he's not abusive.

I walk over to my locker and hug Lenny as I see her. I feel that she hadn't exactly felt loved yesterday, so I just had to do that. She gives me a weird look, and that's when I knew that I needed a hug too.

"I miss the guys already, how sad is that?" Haylee says, shaking her head. I glance over at her and my heart almost breaks. Yeah, and I'll never see them again. You will. Isn't that a bit unfair?

Sneaking out was off the list. My brother would get pissed and then probably will get a little abusive. He knows all the tricks that you can think of, due to him being a horrible kid.

"I'm hungry," I simply say, sighing. "I'm going to go get some breakfast." I put my backpack in my locker, and take out my books. I walk away from my best friends and then bump into someone, almost making me drop everything.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" he mutters, glancing at me before walking away. I swear that I had seen him somewhere before. Mall? No, isn't he in my classes? I shake my hear, clearing out my thoughts, and walk into the cafeteria.

"School food is just horrible," I mumble to myself, rolling my eyes. I had come in here to be alone. Thought I knew that one of the girls would follow me.

But which one? Mars had a huge project that she needed to finish. Lenny had to talk to the teacher about yelling out in class. Caitlin had to talk to the principal for laughing hard at a non-funny joke. So, it would be Haylee, right?

I sit down at a table and close my eyes, leaning my head on my books. I bit my lip, trying hard not to cry. "Hey, you're not alright, Jay," someone says, making me jump slightly. I lift up my head and give her a small smile.

"Maybe. I... My guitar... I-I need a new one." I look away from her and stare out the window.

"What the hell did you do to it?" she asks, crossing her arms.

"Broke it. Girls can get really pissed and be violent, Lee," I say, glancing over at her.

"You... broke your guitar?" she asks, her mouth almost dropping. "But I'm guessing that was last night? It will get better. I mean, you'll see the guys anyway." She smiles brightly and I frown.

"That's the point. I broke it because my brother basically grounded me for life."

"O-oh... Well, hey! You ran into Steven Chris today! One of the hottest kids here. I mean, just look at him." She stares off into the distance, and I look at where she was looking at. Well, Steven was very attractive. He was British, with black hair going to his shoulders, spiked up. An amazing deep accent. The classic "emo kid", being a loner and having almost no friends at all.

"Yeah, well its not like he likes me or anything," I mutter, hating her for even bringing it up. Sure, he wasn't as cute as Bradie or anything, but he was really cute anyway. Sweet, or so I believe, seems kind and nice enough.

Lee opens her mouth, and then closes it, a smirk on her face. She stands up and walks over to the boy, leaving me gaping at her. She was really going to ask him if he likes me!

After those two talk, Lee walks back over to me and sits across from me, looking victorious, like she had just won the Olympics. "He said that he liked you," she says, then stood up and walked off.

Oh, this is bad. This is bad. This is really bad! I mean, I like him, and after all I can't see the Stack boys anymore. Oh my God! A guy actually likes me!!! My mind was racing, and I couldn't even keep a thought down for long, until Steven walks over to me, looking nervous and his face was flushed with a bright red blush.

"W-would you maybe... go out with me? O-on a date or something... sometime?" he asks, his voice soft, but you could easily tell that he was nervous.

"I-I... Uh..." I start, biting my lip, about to answer him.
♠ ♠ ♠
CLIFF HANGER!!! Oh yeah. Just thought that, since I haven't been on... Let's just leave it with a cliff hanger. SO! How do you like the twist so far?! I love it. I actually, honestly, don't know what's going to happen next!
What do you think Jay's going to say?
...What do you want her to say?