Status: Working on it!

Remember the Best Hours

Chapter Two

Haylee's Point of View

"Wait up!" I call to Jay as I jump out of the car. I hear something clatter to the ground and skid to a halt. "Shit!" picking up my Ipod from the pavement, I check to see if it's damaged.

"Geez, Lee, you treat that thing like it's a baby," Lenny says as she gets out of the car after me.

"Because it is my baby." I stoke my Ipod to emphasize my words, before putting it back in my pocket carefully, and running over to Jay as she taps her foot on the pavement impatiently.
"Let's go bomb Maccas!" I yell as we approach the entrance. "I never liked Maccas that much..." Lenny rolls her eyes as she charges ahead through the automatic doors.

"So, where to first?" Caitlin asks.

"I'm hungry," Mars whines.

"Are you ever not hungry?" Jay says to her. Mars looks around, and her face lights up.

"DDR!" she screams, running over to the arcade.

"So much for being hungry..." Lenny says as we all slowly walk over. Mars places a few coins in the machine and jumps onto the platform.

"Hey, don't hog it, do doubles!" Caity complains, and Mars sighs.

"Fine, but I get to choose the song!" I sat down on the floor; it would be a while until I get a turn. Pulling out my Ipod, i put on my favorite band in the entire world: Short Stack. I have a massive obsession with them, as does Jay Jay and Caity. Half way through Sway Sway Baby, I have my eyes closed and am nodding my head to the music, when someone pulls the headphones out.

"Hey, I was listening to that!" I whine, looking up at Lenny.

"Uh, you're vibrating," she says stifling a laugh. I glare at her as I pull my phone from my pocket, I must have been paying too much attention to the music to even notice it.

"Sick minded..." I say as my ring tone starts playing, There's No Sympathy For The Dead by Escape The Fate. Looking at the caller ID, I could tell it was my younger sister, what does she want?

"Hey, you were thinkin' it!" I shake my head, and answer it.


"She wanted to know where I put her hairspray," I say in an unamused voice as I hang up.

"Sounds like your sister to me," Caitlin says, puffing as she is still playing DDR. She is really good, almost able to play heavy. But that's mainly because she spends most of her spare time in this very arcade, playing DDR.

"Are you gonna get your exercise for the next two weeks, or are ya gonna give us a go?" Jay says, before Mars steps off the platform, puffing.

"Okay. I give up. She’s too good." She sits down and we all watch Caity, until she finally decides to quit.

"Now I don't feel like playing DDR," Jay says, getting up from the floor.

"Now I’m definitely hungry," Mars says, before holding her hand out. "Someone help me up."

"Lazy ass," I say as I pull her up.

"To the food court!" Mars proclaims as she walks out into the mass of busy shoppers and we all trudge out behind her.

When Caity finally gets her breath back, (seriously, you should have seen how fast she was going) she says, “Now I’m really thirsty.”

“Your fault for hogging DDR,” Jay says.

“So, what do we all feel like?” Lenny asks. Everyone either mumbles something along the lines of ‘I don’t mind’ or just shrugs their shoulders. I, on the other hand, don’t answer, but it would just be the same as everyone else anyway. “Wow, that’s heaps of help,” Lenny says sarcastically. “Lee, what about you?”

“I don’t care; I’ll have what you guys are having.” Lenny rolls her eyes, before Mars yells,
“I KNOW WHAT I WANT!” We all look at her questioningly, and she points to ‘Donut King’. “Thick shake!” I roll my eyes. “You-know-those-thick-milkshakes-that-have-a-scoop-of-ice cream-in-them-and-all-of-those-pieces-of-chocolate-and-they’re-really-yummy-and--”

“Okay, yes, we know what you mean,” Jay cuts her off. Mars had been talking so fast I barely understood what she said.

“Thick shakes good with everyone?” Caity asks.

“I dunno, all that fat couldn’t be good for me--” Lenny starts, but is cut off by Jay as she grabs her arm.

“Oh, give it a rest already.” Dragging her over to donut king, we follow Jay and Mars who is bounding ahead. After about ten minutes of deciding on a flavor, then changing our minds, then deciding to have something else, we sit down at one of the tables. Realizing there’s only four chairs, Caity grumbles and pulls up a chair from one of the other tables, and squeezes in between Jay and I. The only reason we sat down in the first place was because Lenny had decided to get a donut and complained that she couldn’t walk around while eating it. The rest of us sit impatiently slurping our milk shake/ice cream mix, all watching her, waiting for her to finish her plain cinnamon donut. Yes, she’s that boring.

“…Stop staring at me!” She says after giving us all weird looks.

“Well, hurry up then, I want to freak some innocent shoppers!” Jay says, and we look at her a little weirdly. Mars looks deep in thought, and says slowly,
“That’s actually not a bad idea…” I roll my eyes-again-and stare off into the distance, wow I’m tired… “Why didn’t I think of that?”

“Lee? You alive?” Caity waves her hand in front of my face, and my gaze refocuses onto the group that are now…all looking at me.

“Oh, yeah, I’m just tired is all.”

“You’re always tired,” Lenny states.

“Well, that’s not my fault, now is it?”

“Uh, actually, it is, you’re the one responsible for when you go to bed. Like me, coz I need my beauty sleep. But anyway, you need to go to bed earlier.”

“But I don’t wanna!” I start to whine, but can’t help smiling.

“You’re a weirdo…” Caity says.

“And that’s why you love me!” I grinned at her, and we all look over to Lenny as she shoves the last piece of her donut in her mouth.

“Yay! Little bites is done!” Mars proclaims.

“Do not bring back that nickname!” Lenny glares at her. We used to call Lenny little bites, coz she took really little bites of everything, as if she were afraid if she took a big bite it wouldn’t all fit down her throat.

“Where to then?” Jay asks, changing the subject.

“How about Bargain City? That place is always deserted, and there’s heaps of crap in there that we can mess with!” Caity suggests.

“Sounds good to me. Ooh! We can scare the shop keeper like we did that time in Big W!” Jay says.

“Yes! We should so do that!” Mars says, getting up. “To Bargain City!” She announced, pointing up the corridor.

“Uh, Bargain City is that way,” I point in the opposite direction.

“Oh….I knew that…”

“Sureeee you did,” Caity pats her on the shoulder before we all get up and head in the direction of our first victim.