Status: Working on it!

Remember the Best Hours

Chapter Three

Caitlin’s POV

“There it is!” Mars yells, before running to the store under the bright yellow sign that read ‘Bargain City’. Haylee and Jay run after her, hoping she doesn’t destroy something.
“Don’t run! I don’t have any energy left!” I whine.
“You should have thought of that before you hogged DDR,” Lenny says, before running after them.
“Ooh for the love of…” I run after Lenny into the store, and regret it. My legs were so sore from DDR. Why did I have to show off? I walked into one of the aisle’s wondering where the others were. It was filled with crappy garden stuff.
“Ooh! Silly string!” Mars yells, before I hear Lenny squeal.
“You got it in my hair!” She shrieked as I walked around the corner of the aisle, to see Lenny trying to pull the silly tring out of her hair, and Mars was laughing her ass off.
“Nice one Mars,” I say, walking past her staring at the things on the shelves.
“Hey, gimmie that silly string,” Haylee says.
“No, it’s mine!” Mars says, before Haylee tries to snatch it off her, and she ends up chasing her down the aisle, with Mars successfully getting silly string everywhere. Lenny walks to the next aisle, trying to avoid the silly string. When the cashier notices this she won’t be happy… I chuckle.
“Hey Jay, catch!” I say throwing a frisbee at her.
“Huh?” She says, before it hits her on the side of her head. “Ow! What was that for?”
“I said catch.” I turn and look at what other crap there is here, before something hits me on the back of my head.
“Ow! What the?” I turn and see Jay smirking, and the red frisbee is lying on the floor in front of me. I narrow my eyes at her, “Oh, it’s on…” She grins and glances at the shelf next to her, as do I, before we both grab the closest thing near and throw it. I managed to get my hands on a flat soccer ball, but I got hit with a…
“What the hell is this?” I say, picking up the object that had just hit my head.
“What on earth are you two doing?” Lenny says, coming back into our aisle, just as Jay throws the flat soccer ball back at me. “Seriously you two are going to be brain dead if you keep doing that.”
“What’s brain dead mean?” I ask stupidly. Lenny rolls her eyes and I laugh.
“GIVE, ME, THAT, DAMN, SILLY, ooh what’s this?” I hear Lee from a few aisles down. I shrug and walk up the aisle I’m in to the front of the store. There’s some commotion coming from somewhere in the shopping centre, but I don’t think anything of it. I walk over to the aisle where I heard Haylee, and see that she is holding some mask.
“What is it?” Mars asks.
“Looks like a Pinocchio mask…” she says, turning it over in her hands.
“Oooh!” Mars takes it form her hands.
“Whoa,” Lee says as its long nose came close to her face. “That thing could poke someone’s eye out.” I notice then that Jay and Lenny had joined us near the front of the store, staring at the odd mask.
Mars puts it on and turns to us, “What do you think?” We laugh at her as she strikes a pose.
“It totally suits you,” Jay says.
“Pass it here,” I say. She takes it off and hands it to me. I put it on, and find it extremely hard to see. I walk in the direction I believe to be the front of the store. Just then I hear a crash and someone runs right into me, both of us falling to the ground.
“Ah, fuck, my eye!” He exclaims.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” I say, pulling the mask off to see who I ran into. There, sitting in front of me is the one and only Shaun Diviney. Am I dreaming? I shake myself and stand up, giving him a hand up. “Are you okay? I’m really sorry.”
“No, it’s my fault for not watching where I was going,” he says, holding his eye. I turn around to the others, wondering why they aren’t helping me; they are all just standing there with wide eyes and open mouths. I almost laugh. That’s when I hear familiar voices in the aisle next to ours.
“Hey, where’d Shaun go?”
“Good question…maybe he got swallowed up by the hoard of fan girls. Oh well, when do you want to dance on his grave?”
“Shut up Andy he ran into the store, he’s probably in here somewhere.”
“Maybe the next aisle…” I see Haylee’s confused face as she tries to look through the shelves to see the people who we all assume are in the next aisle. She looks surprised before what sounds like Andy say. “Oh, hello.”
“Hi?” she says, obviously trying not to grin like an idiot.
“Would Shaun be there by chance?”
“He obviously isn’t, otherwise she would be going crazy like the girls outside,” Bradie said.
“What if she doesn’t know who we are?”
“Then she wouldn’t know who you’re talking about.”
“Guys, I’m here, and I think I’m half blind,” Shaun says from in front of me, still holding his eye.
“Oh,” I hear Andy say, before they walk around. I feel incredibly guilty as I look at Shaun. Why the hell did I have to poke the eye out of one of my idols? Idiot, Caity, you’re an idiot… When Andy and Bradie walk around the corner they look a little surprised.
“Oh, there’s more than one,” Bradie said.
“Hi, I’m Nick,” Andy says, holding a hand out to what looked like Haylee. We all laugh.
“We know who you are,” Jay says, now more composed as she steps forward to stand beside me.
“Oh…” Andy says, dropping his hand.
“You don’t hate us, do you?” Shaun asks.
“Why would we hate you?” Mars asks, confused, her expression mirroring mine.
“Beeeeeecause you know us yet haven’t screamed like fan girls yet.”
“Just because we have the right mind not to violate you, doesn’t mean we hate you,” Haylee says.
I laugh, “Also, it sounds as if you’ve had enough trouble with fans already,” I point out of the shop. As if on queue, the sound of a group of girls talking about where Short Stack had gone came close to the store.
“Crap!” Shaun says, before they run further down the aisle away from sight of the entrance. We all run after them.
“Whoa…” Bradie says, looking at the other aisles. “Did you guys do this?” I look down the one filled with silly string and had a frisbee and a few other things lying on the floor.
“Uh…maybe,” Mars says.
“I think I saw them run into Bargain City!” We all hear a girl yell.
“Dammit! We’re cornered,” Andy says. A group of girls enter the store and walk down one of the aisles. Shaun went to run up a different aisle, while still holding his eye. But with only one eye, he almost runs into the side of the shelf. I grab his shoulders from behind to stop him from running into it.
“Uh, thanks,” he says, before the rest of our group follows, going up the aisle as quietly as possible while the group of fans walked down the other.
“Lenny, go and see if there’s any fans outside the store,” Jay says.
“Just do it!”
Lenny sighed, “Fine…” I’m surprised that that was the first thing she has said since Short Stack came into the store.
“What are we doing?” Bradie asks.
“I know how you can get out of here without being noticed. There will be fans waiting for you at the entrance to the shopping centre won’t there?” Jay says.
“Probably,” Andy replies.
“I don’t see anyone who looks like a fan girl,” Lenny says, coming back. We hear the footsteps of the fans going up the aisle right next to us.
“Well let’s go!” Jay says, running out of the store, with the rest of us following. I have to sort of direct Shaun because his bad sight is making him almost run into so many things. We run around a corner into a long hallway, past where the shopping centre’s toilets are, and around another corner. Only when we get around the corner do we stop running.
“Oh my god did you see the shop keeper?” Haylee says when we stop.
“No?” I say.
“Just as we ran out she saw the mess and was yelling at the fan girls about it!” We laugh, and I see Shaun rubbing his eye.
“Don’t rub it, you’ll make it worse.” I say, walking over to him. “Let me see…” I slowly pull his arm and he lets me move it away from his eye. It’s a little red, but nothing too drastic. He blinks a few times, before looking back at me.
“Now, I don’t believe I got your name?”