Status: Working on it!

Remember the Best Hours

Chapter Four

Jay Jay's Point of View

I yawn and glance in the direction of Caitlin and Shaun. They were talking and laughing, and that confused me. I grin as I poke Haylee in the side. She glances at me and glares. I smirk and nod my head in Caity's direction. Her eyes light up and she smirks also. That's when I know she's thinking the same thing I am. I pull out silly string and she gives me a weird look. I took out another one and handed it to her. "Mars started it," I whisper before slowly creeping up to the lovers, and shaking the can. Andy and Bradie look at me and Lee and grin like idiots, as they were right next to Caity and Shaun. They back away and make excuses for going away. I look at Lee and nod. We then scream and spray Shaun and Caity with the whole bottle.

I look at the mess we made and grin again. I then look at Andy and laugh, "You're cleaning it up, Blondie!" I yell before running away and into the woods that the mall was next to. I hear laughing behind me, and I climb up a tree and sit on a branch. I see Mars heading into the woods after me and finds a snake, showing it to Lenny and her screaming, and holding onto Andy. I smile and look at Lee, who has jealousy written all over her face. I sigh. Lenny doesn't like Andy. She likes Jumpnow, of all people. Our Mars had a huge crush on Liam.

I giggle-something I rarely do-and think. Our two groupies have crushes on two of their groupies.

I see Bradie and Mars walk in the forest, so I start climbing down. I was an expert in gym, so it wasn't that much for me to do. I jump on the ground and then follow them in the forest. "Where are you going?" I ask suddenly.

"To find Jay, why?" Mars asks. A few seconds later, she stops. They turns towards me and grin like idiots. "You should've told us you were following!" she yelled, turning around and crossing her arms.

"Oh, stop being so stubborn!" I yell and smile at her.

"At least I'm not like Little bites," she mutters, stifling a giggle.

"Oo kami yo!" I hear someone yell. I start laughing.

I hear Haylee groan, and I turn to see everyone behind us. "Someone needs to tell Lenny to stop speaking Japanese," she mutters. "I can't understand a thing she says. It's really annoying."

"She said, 'Oh my God', Lee." I grin at Lenny and nod my head. "You keep speaking Japanese. Lee loves to hear it."

Lenny giggles and looks at the boys. "So, where are your groupies?" she asks them.

They look at us and shrug. "I'm pretty sure they died, or choked on a banana. They are gay, and they've proved it. Many times. Freaking Jumpnow's totally gay," Andy mutters, trying not to smile.

Bradie laughs. "They're at the hotel."

Shaun looks back from where he came from. "Do you think we lost the fan girls?" he asks.

"Of course we did! That was, like-" Caitlin stops. I grin at her. She's always had the worst timing, and it showed. A lot. "Hours ago!" she says, pulling out her phone. It starts to blast Short Stack, and she panics, throwing the phone to Lenny. "Turn off your phone!" she yells.

The boys start laughing, and I groan with Caity, as Lee and Lenny laugh. "Why didn't you throw it to Mars, Caity?" I ask. "She, at least, has the same phone as you. Isn't that right, Mars?" I turn to where I last saw her, and then I look around.

"Where's Mars?" Shaun asks stupidly.

Lee turns towards him. "She's a monkey, on your head. Well, either that, or she's at her dad's house four-wheeling in a mini skirt and high heels." She rolls her eyes and then turns walks towards me, since I started walking deeper in the woods to find her.

"I would like to see that," I hear him mutter quietly. I look at Lee and see that she didn't hear it, so I took up the responsibility to laugh.

"Lenny, Shaun, and Caity can go look for them in the mall. Bradie, and Andy, you help us find Mars deeper in the woods." I grin at my brilliant plan. "Or stay there!" I stop and look at them, seeing that they haven't moved.

"So, you want us, us as in Short Stack, to go in woods, and probably die? You want us to die?" Andy asks.

"Stop being a bitch and go help find Mars. If she's in the woods, she's probably going to get herself killed since she loves to pick up snakes. If she's in the mall, well, you get to hang out with these two fine," Lenny stops to giggle, "women privately."

Caity laughs. "Then that'll mean that we get the job of pulling her away from the Mothers. I think we'll need another person."

"Mothers?" I ask.

Lee sighs. "Stupid American. Mothers are energy drinks," she says, shaking her head.

I nod. "So, they're like Monsters?" I ask.

"What the hell are Monsters?"

"God, if Mars was here, she would kick your ass. Anyway, let's go, Blondie and No-Talkie," I say, walking up to Bradie and grabbing his hand.

"Who's No-Talkie?" Andy asks.

Haylee laughs. "I think that's her pet name for Bradie," she whispers.

I look at her. She opened up pretty fast to the Stack boys, and that's a difference. Seems like hanging out with your favorite band can sure change a person. Until we go back to school.

I suddenly groan. Haylee looks at me. "We have school tomorrow," I whisper, scared for my life. I didn't do the work that the teachers gave me, and now, they might kill me.

She sighs and curses slightly. "Senior year's a bitch," she mutters. She starts walking beside me and nudges me in the ribs. I look at her and she smiles, glancing at mine and Bradie's hands. I quickly let go and blush, crossing my arms.
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It's a little short, yes, but there'll be more up soon. We hope. :D Comment and subscribe!