Status: Working on it!

Remember the Best Hours

Chapter Six

Caitlin's Point of View

I sigh as I get stuck with Lenny. Shaun, Lenny, and I walk back from where we came and I look over at Lenny as she nudges me in the ribs. I smack her on the back of her head and she whined, holding it.
"Bitch!" she screams. I just look at her. "Shaun's looking at you," she whispers in my ear. I roll my eyes.
"No! You're kidding! It's because we're making a big scene!" I yell, before looking at everyone else in the mall. I look at Shaun and giggle, waving at him, even though he was right next to me. He shakes his head.
"I think I got the better pick, don't you Caity?" he asks, looking at me.
I shrug my shoulders. "Lenny is going to stab me, if it doesn't break her nails, I don't know you, and you have fan girls after you, and if Mars is here, then... we're all going to die. She's not afraid of stabbing people as they take away her Mothers," I say looking ahead of me. I take out my phone as I feel it vibrate. I open the message and look at Lenny. "Well, Mars just texted and said that she's at the arcade, trying to beat my record on DDR," I say to Lenny.
Lenny nodded. "Well, this was the easiest job ever," she says and giggles. "We need to text Lee and, or Jay."
I look at her. "Who the hell says 'and or' anymore?" I ask her.
"Well, apparently her. And maybe me," Shaun says, coughing.
I glance at him and smile. I can't make a comeback to him.
Lenny giggles. "Yeah! I like you!"
I sigh. "Of course. You like every guy that walks past you," I quickly say to her.
She looks at me and raises her eyebrows. "But-but, you didn't say anything to Shaun!" she whines, before a smile cracks over her face. "Aw! You like him! I get it!" She quickly runs away, towards the arcade door, and went into it.
I look as she runs away, and I look at Shaun, who was grinning like an idiot. "You look stupid," I say, holding back a giggle, and I walk after her, wanting to rip her hair off and make her watch as you flush it down the toilet. I stop in my tracks. No, Caitlin. That's something for you to do with Jay Jay. That bitch's obsessed about her hair.
I walk in the arcade, knowing that Shaun was following me. I see Mars dancing for the second time that day, so I walk up to her and cross my arms. She looks up and grins at me before going back to the game.
I look at Shaun. "Do you know how to dance?" I ask Shaun, motioning to the machine.
He shrugs. "Why, do you?" he asks.
Mars steps off and hugs me. "I love you, you adorable girl," she mumbles, from her face in my shirt. I laugh and try to peel her off of me.
"I love you, too Mars," I say, still trying to get her off of me.
Lenny yawns and hugs Mars, "The rest of the Awesome Gang are in the woods looking for you," she says, squeezing me.
As I try to get the two girls off of me, I start panicking, wondering if they were going to be there forever. I gasp. It'll be awkward trying to go to the bathroom.
Shaun whines. "I want in too!" he yells, joining in on the group hug.
I sigh. "This is so not what I was looking for," I yell, trying even harder to get them off of me.
Mars starts laughing, hugging me tighter. "I'll never let go!" she yells, making people look at us weird.
I sigh. I want to text Jay, she wouldn't do this to me. And, she needs to know that we found Mars.
♠ ♠ ♠
Did I put this up in the same day? *Gasp!* Awesome!!!