Status: Working on it!

Remember the Best Hours

Chapter Seven

Jay Jay's Point of View

I look at the direction Bradie was in as I lose sight of Haylee and Andy. I whine, not being able to see right in front of me. "Bradie, please tell me you're still here," I say quietly, not wanting anyone else to hear me.
"I'm here, Jay," he says.
I sigh, and turn around quickly, and feel where I heard his voice came from. I feel something cotton-y, so I grab it, and hug it. It puts its arms around me and I sigh. "I think we're lost," I mumble into his shirt, hoping that he didn't hear me.
"Great. Note the sarcasm. I'm starving," he says, letting go of me as I pull away.
I giggle and touch something else. His cheek. "I can't see you, Mr. Webb. I'm so scared. I mean, what if werewolves are out here? Oh my God!!!" I scream. "VAMPIRES!!!!" I scream even louder. I giggle. "I wonder if anyone heard that. Oh! Mr. Webb, I think that, well, we should find Lee and Andy."
"Well, they're probably making out. I don't want to find them if they're doing that. Or, well, something else that involves taking off clothes," he says.
I start touching his shirt, trying to find his hand. "I feel like a cop the way I'm feeling you up, Bradie," I say, giggling, and trying to stop, I giggle even more, laying my forehead against his chest, still trying to stop.
He starts laughing and asks, "What are you looking for?"
I start laughing even more. "That sounds so wrong!" I take a second to breathe, and I straighten up. "I'm looking for your hand, so we don't loose each other. I would die." I tilt my head and lay my head on his chest again as I feel his hand hold mine. "It's like we're going out," I simply say and giggle as I lean away from him. "Come now, Bradie. We need to find the two lovers," I say and start walking.

As we come to a stop, finally, I notice that it was starting to get a bit breezy, but not cold, for me, since I'm used to this kind of weather. I pull on Bradie's hand that I was still holding and he comes up behind me. "I am so freaking cold, dude," I hear him mutter. I myself was trying my best to find out where I was.
"I am not, I repeat, am not sleeping out in the wild. God, I do not want to be a camper. I hate camping!" I whisper/yell, still focused on the fact that there may be vampires watching us.
"I hope you don't mind, you look like you're freezing," I hear someone say.
"What was that, Bradie?" I ask him.
"I didn't say anything," he answers.
"But, you just-"
"Thanks, your arms are really warm," a female says.
"FREAKING STALKERS!!!" I yell out, and run into Bradie.
"I thought you were scared of vampires, not stalkers," he mutters, holding me at arms length.
"What the hell was that?" I hear the male say.
"Oh my God... What if it's the serial killer. WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!! I TOLD YOU THIS WAS LIKE A FREAKING MOVIE!!!"
I stop and look around. "I'm no serial killer! Dammit! I WILL FREAKING STAB YOU!! TAKE IT BACK!" I yell back, getting out of Bradie's arms as I turn around and cross my arms.
"Oh yeah? Well bring it on, bitch!"
I shake my head, walking into the area and spotting nothing. "Uh, well, I would, but... well, you see, it's dark."
"Whatever. I cannot see you either, so it's a one-on-one-with-the-dark. Whatever that means."
I gasp, turning to where I heard the voice. "Oh my God!" I yell.
"JAY JAY!!!" the female screams and then I hear a thud and an 'ow.'
"Are you alright, Haylee?" I hear the male ask.
"Oh God. Well, looks like we found Andy and Haylee, Jay," I hear Bradie say.
I start laughing. "Oh my God. Did you just trip? That is so freaking hilarious!" I say, laughing even harder.
Haylee sighs. "I swear, I was so happy to see you, but now I'm not. You little arse. Stop laughing!"

As we wait for daylight, I touch the thing nearest to me. "What is that?" I ask, tugging on something.
"Oh my God. Jay, that is my nose," I hear a voice say.
Bradie and Andy start laughing at Haylee's weird 'nose' voice, and I giggle. "This has got to be one of the best camps that I've ever been to. Now, come, you three. I want to find a way to get out of here," I stand up, holding Lee's hand.
"I think we should wait for daylight," Andy mutters.
I glare in his direction. "God, Jay! Are you even cold? I'm freezing!" Lee yells, standing up with me.
I sigh, "Lee, you have no brain at all. I'm from Alaska. Coldest place in the U.S., I believe. I'm used to this kind of weather in the summer, you freaky girl. And, you retard blond, like I told Bradie, I am definitely not staying out here with bugs and snakes, and vampires and serial killers. I do not want to die out here and be found the next day with mud on my face."
Lee sighs. "God, I wonder what it would be like if you were like Lenny instead of yourself. Now, that would be the worst. Anyway, I agree with Jay. I don't want to end up the same, and it's freaking freezing outside. Now, let's go, my lovelies."
I hear someone whine, and another thud. I didn't comment on that one, knowing that it was Andy who fell, and I didn't want to make fun of him for being clumsy.
"Are you going to say something, Jay?" Lee asks.
"What?" I answer her, looking in her direction. I feel someone grab my other hand and I let it go, feeling around, seeing as I was already holding Lee's hand. "Bradie," I said, after making sure by touching his face.
"Your hands are freezing," he says, grabbing my hand again.
"Well, Andy just fell," Lee says, irritation in her voice
"And, I also died, if anyone cares. Ow, my arse hurts like hell."
"What kind of person would I be if I made fun of people's clumsiness? A really bad one, that's what."
"Oh my God. I swear, I will freaking stab you one of these days," Lee mutters, hitting the back of my head.
"Ladies! I don't think we'll go anywhere with fighting," Andy says.
"Oh! You just said that cause you know that I was about to hit her. I should hit you!" I start walking towards him, and Bradie lets go of my hand, muttering stuff that sounds like, 'revenge' or something, but Lee pulls me back. "I told you they were making out earlier, Bradie," I say to him, glaring in Lee's general direction.
"Wait, I swear I thought I said that to you," Bradie says. I shrug my shoulders before realizing he can't see them, and grab him hand again.
Lee laughs. "Funny, we were saying the same about you."
"I'm not a whore. I don't kiss on the first date. I am so a shapoopie."
Lee starts laughing. "You're quoting Family Guy?"
"Anyway! Let's hold hands, everyone! Bradie'll lead since I think he found this area out. Or, wait. Was that me? Anyway, let's start getting outta here." I push Bradie and he starts walking. I hold Lee's hand tightly, and she squeezes it back. Since that's what best friends do when you're lost in the woods with your favorite band.
"I wonder if I can use my phone," Bradie mutters.
"WHAT?!" everyone yells at him as we start walking.
"What? I never took it out, so I forgot it in all of this 'I'm lost' business," he says, taking it out. "Oh, hey, Mars is at the Mall." I giggle and grab the phone, and show them the text with the picture that Shaun sent to him. Mars was attacking a little kid and Lenny was watching her wide-eyed, her mouth hanging open, and you could see Shaun laughing in the back ground, point at the kid, who had the best I'm-scared face that I've ever seen.
I see Lee face palm. "Your battery is full since you rarely use your phone anyway. Why the hell didn't I ask you? Anyway, let's use the light to find our way out of here. You prick," Andy says.
"Make sure to try and find your phone too, Lee," I tell her as I smile innocently at her, ignoring her death glares.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ha ha. Funny how one would think to use their phone in a time of need, huh? Did you like the chapter? Comment and subscribe pretty please!