School For Rock Stars

"I'll Give You a Good Talking To"

Mitchie tied up her sneakers once she put on her sports uniform. She was about to have to run through the fitness course that was hidden behind the main school building and that wasn't visible from the front gates or the court-yard.

Mitchie wasn't your regular girl. She had dark brown, curly hair that was a red shade of brown because she had dyed it. She wasn't stick thin, but she wasn't overweight either. she had blue-green eyes with a dark blue ring around the outside and a hazel-brown ring on the inside, just before the pupil. Her eyes were the only thing she liked about herself. She liked how they were so unique and special looking.

"Come on now Ms. Marlow, is there a problem?" the teacher asked.

"Um, there isn't a problem Mr Urie. I'm sorry for being so slow. I guess I'm just a little bit nervous... and please. Call me Mitchie," Mitchie smiled.

The teacher laughed,"Well, Mitchie, it's perfectly normal to be nervous. You're probably not the only one. So don't let it drag you down. It doesn't matter whether you come first or last, it just matters if you do the best you can... as stereotypical as that sounds. If you ever need a confidence boost, come see me. I'll give you a good talking to."

"Thanks Mr. Urie," she smiled.

"Come on, out to the track or we won't have enough time to run the tests," he put his hand on her back and lightly pushed her out the door.

Mitchie joined the end of the line that stood at the beginning of the fitness course.

She was standing next to a brunette guy with glasses. He wasn't as fantastic looking as all of the other boys at SFRS, but something about him stood out to Mitchie. He seemed so nervous and stressed compared to all of the other people, who were all enjoying themselves and laughing with their friends.

Mitchie looked off into the distance and shifted nervously from foot to foot. She wasn't goo with the whole idea of fitness tests. Nor the theory of them. What was worse, was she didn't like to be laughed at when she failed something or came last.

Suddenly, she fell backwards and tumbled onto the ground.

"A-are you okay?!" the boy with the brown hair and glasses stuttered as he got onto his knees.

"Ow... my head?" Mitchie said, unsure of what she should actually say.

"You have a cut on the side of your head...." he said sadly,"I think you'll need to see the nurse."

"Where the heck is the nurse?" Mitchie asked.

"Would you like me to take you?" he asked her, helping her onto her feet.

"I suppose so if it isn't too much trouble for you." she smiled.

"What's happened to Mitchie, Mr. Way?" The teacher asked.

"Brendon. How many times do I have to tell you to call me Mikey? Just because it's school, and you're my teacher doesn't mean that you have to call me that. You're my father's best friend after all. You've known me since I was born. It's just awkward, okay?" Mikey rushed through his sentences.

"Okay then Mikey. What happened to Mitchie?" Brendon asked.

"She fell over and hit her head," Mikey answered.

"Is it okay if he takes me to the nurse? I don't know where she is..." Mitchie asked.

Everyone started laughing.

"Of course... of course Mikey can take you to her," Brendon laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay. Some people might not see this coming. Because I know I saw it coming. But I think it might be funny. the next chapter might be funny. yes. yes. Yes.
I am hoping it's funny. So please read and subscribe to see who the nurse is xDDDDDd
