All for Helena

Chapter 13.

Frank and Helena made their way from the park to the apartment in silence. Helena was still mad at Frank, but Frank had an idea, an evil one at that, to get Helena to forgive him.

“Hey Helena,” Frank said. Helena gave him an icy glare. Frank sighed.

“How would you like to come with me when I leave tomorrow?” Frank asked. Helena nodded at him excitedly.

“Yea!” Helena exclaimed happily. She grabbed a tight hold of Frank’s waist and Frank bent down to pick her up.

“Okay, but don’t tell Mommy, okay?” Frank asked. Helena nodded. Frank and Helena walked up to the apartment and Helena ran to her room. Frank smiled at Ryan and waved.

“Hey Ryan,” Frank said. Ryan smiled back at him.

“Hey Frank. You two have fun at the park?” Ryan questioned, putting the dishes in her arms into the sink. Frank nodded.

“We talked,” Frank said, staying vague.

“Oh? What about?” Ryan asked.

“I promised I’d come back soon,” Frank came up with quickly. Ryan smiled.

“ to go. We leave tomorrow,” Frank said. Ryan walked over and hugged him tightly.

“Frank, can I tell you something?” Ryan whispered. Frank nodded.

“And you promise not to flip out?” she asked. Again, Frank nodded.

“I think you’re being a wonderful father to Helena, and I was wondering, if your free during the summer, if you wanted Helena to spend a couple of weeks with you. You were right the other day, when you said She is your daughter too,” Ryan said. Frank smiled at her.

“I’d love that,” Frank said happily. Ryan smiled at him. Frank glanced at the clock.

“I really have to go,” he said quietly. He let go of Ryan and walked out.