All for Helena

Chapter 14.

When I woke up, I was a little startled by how quiet Helena was at noon on a Saturday. I got up, dressed, and looked at my phone. It was dead, so I put it on to charge. I went over to Helena’s door, and opened it.

“Helena, sweetie? Want to go to Burger King for.....” I said, before catching sight of the empty room. I walked quickly over to the bathroom and wrenched the door open. The room was empty. I heard my phone ring in the other room. I sprinted to it, and looked at the screen. I had voicemail. I hit the button and listened.

Hey Ryan, it’s Frank. I just called to tell you....I took Helena with me. Not like kidnap, she wanted to go. She’s fine, and We’ll be back in like two weeks. Bye,” Frank’s voice said from my phone.

Oh my god!” I shouted. I growled and put my phone down, running for the computer. I pulled up My Chemical Romance’s tour schedule, and looked where they’d be next. Jersey City. I shut down my computer, and ran for my room. I grabbed two weeks worth of clothes, and shoved it into my bag. I slid on my Vans, grabbed my phone and the charger, and went out the door. I ran for the store, to explain where I was going to be. Michelle looked at me as I ran in.

“What’s up your butt?” Michelle asked, clearly amused.

“Frank...took...Helena,” I panted. Her face fell.

“What?!” she asked, clearly shocked. I nodded quickly.

“Well, go catch the bastard! Come back when you get her, and don’t worry about work. Paid leave,” she said. I smiled and reached across the counter to hug her.

“Well, I got to go catch the bus,” I said. Michelle scoffed and dug into her pocket. She tossed her keys at me.

“Take my car. Faster,” she shrugged. I reached over the counter and hugged her again. She smiled, and pushed me a little.

“Go. Get Helena,” Michelle said. “And when you see Frank. Kick his ass, and punch him for me.” She gave me an evil smile. I laughed and nodded. I walked out to the parking lot and into her car. I turned it on and started to drive. Next stop, Jersey City.