All for Helena

Chapter 15.

As soon as I got to the venue, I sat in MCR’s bus. I sat on the couch, arms crossed, foot tapping, glaring at the door. The door opened and Frank stepped up, pulling Helena up. He was smiling, until he saw me.

“Hey....Ryan,” he said slowly. Helena smiled and ran to hug me. She saw my glare and made a b-line for the bunks.

“Frank,” I spat. “How could you?” I asked. Frank sighed.

“I asked her before the summer thing, and I could have her mad at me again,” Frank sighed.

“She’s in my custody Frank! I could have you arrested,” I said. He looked at me. He began to smile. I slapped him.

“You just don’t get it. Do you?” I asked. “Frank, I almost had a freakin’ heart attack,” I said, becoming close to tears. I buried my hands in my face. “How could you?” I said, starting to cry. Frank looked at me with sorry eyes.

“Ryan,” he whispered, coming over to hug me. I pushed him, and he fell to the ground. He looked at me.

“Okay, you know what? Forget about summer, and forget about coming back. You stay far far away from my family!!” I shouted, kicking him in the side. I got to the bunk part of the bus, where Helena had her stuff ready.

“Are we leaving?” Helena asked. I nodded and picked her up. We got off of the bus and into Michelle’s car.

“Are you mad at Frankie?” Helena asked. I nodded.

“Why?” she asked.

“He lied to me,” I whispered.

“About what?” Helena questioned.

“Everything,” I said softly. Helena nodded and put on her seatbelt. I put mine on and started to drive.

“Am I ever going to see him again?” she asked. I shrugged.

“I have no idea sweetie,” I said. Helena nodded.

“I’m going to sleep,” Helena said, closing her eyes.