All for Helena

Chapter 17.

....A heart shaped necklace. I carefully took it out of the box and looked at both sides. One side, there was the words, I love you with all my heart, engraved on it.

“Oh my...” I whispered. I put them both down and called Frank. No one answered. I put my phone down and picked up the necklace again. It was beautiful. I put it on and got up. I went into Helena’s room.

“Helena, what did you do when you were with Frank?” I asked, sitting on her bed and watching her unpack. She sighed.

“Well, first we went to the store, with the shiny stuff and Frank asked me what You’d I picked the necklace, and Mikey said something about the price, but Frank bought it anyway, and got this light shined on it. Then he put it in his pocket, and never let anyone touch it, but when he left his sweatshirt on the floor, I took it,” she told me. “Then you came,” she finished. I touched the necklace, and smiled a little.

“Well, Helena, go to sleep sweetie,” I said, kissing her forehead. I walked out of her room, and closed the door behind me. Someone knocked on the front door. I looked at my watch; it was almost 11:00, who could be at the door? I walked over and opened it. Standing there, was Frank.

“Ryan, I...” he started, but I cut him off as my lips pressed against his. I knocked him over but I didn’t care. He squeaked as we fell, and he pulled away.

“Ryan....Why? I thought you’d hate me right now,” he whispered. I shook my head slowly.

“Frank, Helena gave me the necklace,” I said quietly. He looked at it hanging loosely around my neck. Then, he kissed me again. After a while, we both pulled away and stood up.

“Why are you here Frank, I thought you were on tour,” I said. He sighed and closed the door.

“I was...but I couldn’t stand someone being that mad, especially you,” he whispered. I smiled at him. I wrapped my arms tightly around him.

“I love you Ryan,” Frank said softly.

“I love you too,” I smiled. I went to kiss his cheek, but he moved his head, and I ended up kissing him on the lips, not that I care.