All for Helena

Chapter 18.

When I woke up, I was kinda shocked to see Frank lying next to me. He smiled at me.

“Morning,” I yawned. He stroked my hair.

“Morning. Guess what today is?” he smirked. I thought about it.

“Thursday?” I guessed. He laughed.

“But what holiday is on this particular Thursday?” he asked. I looked at him.

“Frank, just tell me,” I sighed, pushing him a little. He laughed.

“It’s Valentine’s Day smart one,” he said happily. Oh crap! That’s today? I...want to give him something. I had no idea it was today.

“You don’t have to get me anything,” Frank said quietly, as if he was reading my mind. I looked at him.

“But I want to,” I said.

“Fine, what about like dinner or something?” he suggested.

“We could go out to lunch, but not dinner,” I said. Frank shrugged.

“Sounds good, and I have to go tomorrow. I doubt they know I left.” Frank rolled his eyes. I laughed and got up, to see Helena, ready to go to school. I took her to the bus stop. Just another day.


Frank and I made our way to the café down the street, holding hands. We both decided on nothing fancy. We both just got sodas an sandwiches, so....not really a Valentine’s Day lunch.

“You want to know something funny Ryan?” Frank asked, taking a sip of his Coke.

“What?” I asked.

“Well, after the show next week, the tour will be over,” he said. “And the funny part is.....”
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Mkay guys, I have a secret. Well, not really. I have a NEW Frank Iero story! And I'm not updating this until someone reads it. Link Here.