All for Helena

Chapter 21.

I caught up to Frank at the bus stop. He was sitting on the curb. I sat down next to him and placed my head on his shoulder. Frank looked at me, smiled, and put his arm around me.

“Shouldn’t you be at work?” Frank asked, smiling at me. “Not that I don’t want you here.” I smiled and shook my head.

“This is when being best friend’s with your boss pays off,” I said. Frank smirked and shook his head.

“I like the way you think,” he said. I shook my head.

“No, we’ve been friend’s since way before the store,” I said. That’s when the bus stopped and Helena came running off. We both stood up, brushing the dirt off our pants.

“Mommy! Frank! Guess what?” Helena practically screamed. Frank dropped to his knees and hugged her.

“What?” Frank asked, smiling at her.

“I got another hundred on my math test!” Helena exclaimed proudly.

“Congrats!” I said, ruffling her hair. Frank picked her up, and we walked back to the apartment. Frank put Helena on the couch and we both sat on either side of her.

“Helena, we have to tell you something,” I said, as Frank took my hand. Helena looked from Frank to me and back.

“What?” she smiled.

“Frank and I are getting married,” I said, smiling at her. She smiled and hugged me tightly, before grabbing Frank’s neck and hugging him too.

“When?” Helena asked, standing up.

“Sometime this summer,” Frank said, sitting closer to me. I rested my head on his shoulder, and he laced his fingers with mine. He kissed my forehead, and stroked my hair.

“So, I’ll be there?” she asked hopefully. Frank laughed.

Of course you’ll be there! You’re our daughter!” Frank exclaimed. He leaned close to my ear. “That was weird to say,” he whispered. I giggled and kissed his cheek.

“It’s okay,” I said. I smiled at him.

“I can’t wait!” Helena said, hugging us again, before running off to her room. Frank’s phone rang. He looked at it.

“I have to take this,” Frank sighed, standing up and walking out to the hallway. I smiled to myself. Things were finally going to be right...or so I thought.
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Okay guys, I want to tell you something. This story isn't going to be updated in for two weeks. I want to finish writing it, as well as start the new one. So, while you wait, I have a Gerard story for you. Click here!I I greatly apprecate you guys reading, and commenting my story, and I hope you guys love my Gerard one, the end of this one, and the squeal.

-Em ♥