All for Helena

Chapter 22.

“Frank...I really don’t think this is such a good idea,” I mumbled for the thousandth time. Frank smiled at me, took one of his hands off of the wheel and held mine.

“It’ll be okay,” Frank said, and he squeezed my hand. Helena, who was sitting in the backseat, giggled. I turned to face her.

“And what is so funny?” I asked.

“You guys are holding hands!” she giggled. Frank snorted.

“We’re getting married, it’s allowed,” Frank pointed out. At that point, Frank turned into the driveway of his parents’ house. His phone rang the very next second. He smiled and picked it up.

“Hi Mom. What? Who else? Ma, that isn’t a good no. It’s not that I don’t like’s just....fine.” Frank hung up the phone and shoved it in his pocket. Helena unclicked her seatbelt and got out of the car. I smiled at her and got out of my car. Frank got out too.

“Hey Helena, come here for a minute,” Frank said, dropping to his knees. She walked over and crossed her arms.

“What?” she asked, smiling at him. Frank placed his hands on her shoulders.

“Okay, my mom doesn’t know you’re my daughter, and we want to keep that a secret,” Frank said.

“Why?” Helena asked. Frank sighed and looked at me.

“Cause we want to surprise her after the wedding, so shh. Okay?” I asked. Helena nodded at me and looked at Frank. He nodded too and stood up. I took Helena’s hand and followed Frank to the front door. Frank rang the doorbell. The door opened and Frank was pulled into a hug.

“Ma!” Frank exclaimed.

“Oh sorry,” she sighed, letting go of him. Frank turned to face me.

“This is Ryan, and her daughter, Helena,” Frank introduced. I smiled at her and waved. I noticed Helena, however, hid behind my legs. I turned around and picked her up.

“Here, give her to me,” Frank said, holding his arms out. I nodded and placed her safely in his arms. Frank walked into his mother’s house, and when I did, I was greeted my two unwanted faces. My parents. Frank put Helena down and I grabbed him.

“Frank! Why are my parents here?” I whispered. He shrugged.

“I don’t know,” he whispered back. He wrapped his arms around me tightly. “Don’t worry, nothing bad will happen while you’re here. Okay? I promise.” He kissed me quickly, and went into the living room. I followed him cautiously, and held Helena’s hand.

“Oh look,” my mom sneered. “The single mom.” I bit down on my tongue and gave a pleading look to Frank.

“Mr. and Mrs. Krailer, I take it you know my fiancée, Ryan,” Frank said, snaking his arm around my waist. My mom gave a spiteful laugh.

“What drugs has she been giving you?” she asked.

“What?” Helena asked.

“Can you not say things like that around Helena?” Frank asked, ruffling Helena’s hair.


During dinner, my parents did nothing but get worse. They criticized everything. Good thing they used so many big words, it confused Helena. After dinner, she went to go watch cartoons. That’s when Frank’s mother started.

“Sweetie,” she whispered to Frank, “She has an eight year old. Wouldn’t you rather have a child of your own?” Frank looked at me, and I shook my head.

“I mean, she would have to be easy....”she said, but Frank stood up and flipped his plate over.

“Shut up! First off, don’t you ever talk about Ryan like that! And two, Helena is my daughter, okay?” Frank shouted.

“And thirdly,” I chimed in, “I’m right here.”

“Shut up you whore,” My dad hissed. Frank turned on him, punching him square in the jaw. I took his hand, and dragged him out of the dining room. Frank picked Helena up and we all walked out of the house.

“I’m so sorry Ryan,” Frank apologized once we reached the town limits. I shook my head.

“Not your fault,” I mumbled shortly.

Yes. It was,” he said. I looked at him, and shook my head.

“What are you shaking your head at?” he asked.

“Nothing,” I sighed. I turned on the radio and just watch the scenery pass by me. I should have seen that coming. I knew his mother wouldn’t like me.
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Okay, I couldn't hold back. I worked on this chapter for a week, and I've gotten no further. The last chapter should be up next.
