All for Helena

Chapter 2.

“You have to live a little Ryan,” Michelle, my coworker at the store, said. She put her hands on my shoulders and looked at me. I looked at her and sighed.

“Like I can do that. I have a 8 year old,” I reminded. “I’ve never ever had beer.” She shook her at me.

“Didn’t you say Helena was going to a sleepover tonight?” Michelle asked, getting a smirk on her face.

“Yea...” I said, holding out the a. “What’s your point?” I questioned. She looked at me in a pitying way.

“Tonight’s your night! Come with a show with me. We’ll have backstage passes. And it’s that band you always want to meet when they’re in town, My Chemical Romance,” she tempted. I looked at her.

“As in Frank Iero?” I asked. I looked at her. She nodded.

“So will you go?” Michelle asked, giving me a pleading look. I nodded. I always promised myself if the opportunity presented itself, I would find Frank and tell him about Helena and this was it. She smiled and gave me a hug.

“Thank you!” she exclaimed. She looked at her watch. “Doesn’t the bus come soon?” she asked, showing me her watch. I nodded.

“Go, I’ll cover you. I’ll be at your place at 8:00,” Michelle said, ushering me out of the store. I left quickly and made my way to the bus stop. I got there right before the bus. When Helena got off the bus, she smiled at me.

“Mommy, Mommy, look! I got a hundred on my spelling test!” Helena exclaimed proudly, waving the test. I smiled and picked her up.

“That’s awesome Helena. I’m so proud of you!” I smiled, carrying her home.

“Did you remember to pack my stuff?” she asked. I nodded.

“Toothbrush?” she asked. I nodded again.

“And the purple pajamas?” she asked. Once more, I nodded. Once we got inside the apartment, I set her down.

“What do you want for a snack?” I asked, making my way to the kitchen.

“Butter sandwich,” she called from her room. I smiled to myself and went into the fridge. As soon as I finished making the sandwich, Helena showed up in the kitchen. I handed her the sandwich. She finished it quickly and put the plate in the sink.

“Helena, honey, why are you hurrying?” I asked, watching her run around the apartment.

“Katie’s mom is coming soon!” she said excitedly, pointing at a clock. I giggled a little as I watched her get ready. At 5:15, there was a knock on the door. Helena ran for her room to get her stuff and I opened the door. Katie and her mother, Sue, were standing there.

“Hello Ryan,” Sue smiled. I smiled back at her.

“Hello Sue, would you like to come in?” I offered. She shook her head.

“No time, we have to pick up 8 other girls,” Katie said. Helena came out of her room.

“Bye mom,” Helena said, hugging my waist.

“Bye Helena. See you tomorrow,” I sighed, bending down to hug her. She let go and her and Katie went running. Sue laughed and waved, following them. I laughed at the sight before me before I closed the door. Now all that’s left is the show, and somehow breaking it to Frank. That’ll be weird.